
Kirsten Anker

Professeure agr茅g茅e- en cong茅

3690, rue Peel
Salle 304
Montr茅al (Qu茅bec)
Canada H3A 1W9

514-398-8147 [Bureau]
kirsten.anker [at] mcgill.ca (Courriel)

Kirsten Anker


Kirsten Anker enseigne dans les domaines du droit des biens, de la th茅orie du droit et du droit autochtone. Elle entreprend des recherches听reliant son expertise en mati猫re de droit des biens et de droit autochtone听脿 ses int茅r锚ts pour la preuve,听les modes alternatifs de听r猫glement des diff茅rends, la gestion des ressources naturelles et la p茅dagogie. Sa monographie, intitul茅e听Declarations of Interdependence听: A Legal Pluralist Approach to Indigenous Rights, pr茅sente plusieurs aspects de la revendication du titre ancestral en Australie et au Canada comme des points de d茅part pour r茅-imaginer le droit. Elle publie principalement sur le d茅fi que pose la reconnaissance de l鈥檌ntersection entre le droit autochtone et le droit 茅tatique aux conceptions traditionnelles du droit et de la souverainet茅, s鈥檌nspirant de divers domaines tels que la th茅orie du droit, l鈥檃nthropologie, la philosophie occidentale et autochtone, et les 茅tudes en langues et en traduction. Ses projets en cours incluent des recherches sur l鈥檌nt茅gration des traditions juridiques autochtones dans la formation juridique, la cartographie digitale des revendications territoriales, la privatisation de la consultation des communaut茅s autochtones, et la听jurisprudence 茅cologique.

Parcours professionnel

  • Professeure agr茅g茅e, Facult茅 de droit, Universit茅 平特五不中, 2016-
  • Professeure adjointe, Facult茅 de droit, Universit茅 平特五不中, 2007-2016
  • Charg茅e de cours invit茅e, Facult茅 de droit, London School of Economics, 2006
  • Boursier Boulton, Facult茅 de droit, Universit茅 平特五不中, 2004
  • Charg茅e de cours adjointe, Facult茅 de droit, Universit茅 de Sydney, 2000-2003
  • Instructrice, AUSAID Indonesia/Australia Specialist Training Project in Intellectual Property, University of Technology, Sydney Faculty of Law, 2000-2001


  • Richard M. Buxbaum Prize for Teaching in Comparative Law, American Society of Comparative Law


  • PhD University of Sydney
  • LLB University of Sydney
  • BSc University of Sydney, Physics

Champs d'int茅r锚t

Droit des biens, droit des peuples autochtones, traditions juridiques autochtones, th茅orie du droit, anthropologie juridique et sociale, droit et sciences sociales, droit et langue

Publications choisies

Livres et monographies

  • Kirsten Anker, Peter Burdon, Geoffrey Garver, Michelle Maloney and Carla Sbert (eds), (London: Routledge, 2021)
  • Kirsten Anker, (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate, 2014)
    Chapter 4 reprinted in Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Robert Phillipson (eds), Language Rights (London: Routledge, 2016)

Articles et chapitres de livres avec comit茅 de lecture

  • 鈥楢boriginal Title and Alternative Cartographies鈥 (2018) 11(1) Erasmus Law Journal 14-30. .
  • 鈥楲aw As鈥 Forest: Eco-logics, Stories and Spirits in Indigenous Jurisprudence鈥 (2017) 21 Law Text Culture 191-213. .
  • 鈥楻econciliation in Translation: Indigenous Legal Traditions and Canada鈥檚 Truth and Reconciliation Commission鈥 (2016) 33(1) Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 15-43. .
  • 鈥楾ranslating Sui Generis Aboriginal Rights and the Civilian Imagination鈥 in Les intraduisibles en droit civil (Montreal: Th茅mis, 2014). .
  • 鈥楾eaching 鈥淚ndigenous Peoples and the Law鈥: Whose Law?鈥 (2008) 33:3 Alternative Law Journal 132. .
  • 鈥楾he Truth in Painting: Cultural Artefacts as Proof of Native Title鈥 (2005) 9 Law Text Culture 91. Reprinted in Eve Darian-Smith, Laws and Societies in Global Contexts: Contemporary Approaches (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013). .


  • with Mark Antaki, 鈥業magination鈥 in Karen Crawley, Thomas Giddens and Timothy Peters (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Legal Studies (London: Routledge forthcoming)
  • with Mark Antaki, 鈥楾he Superfactual Anthropocene and Encounters with Indigenous Legal Traditions鈥 in Peter Burdon and James Martel (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Law and the Anthropocene (London: Routledge, 2023)
  • 鈥楶lural Property鈥 in Nicole Graham, Margaret Davies and Lee Godden (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Property, Law and Society (London: Routledge, 2023)
  • 鈥楾o Be is To Be Entangled: Indigenous Treaty-Making, Relational Legalities and the Ecological Grounds of Law鈥 in Nico Krisch (ed), Entangled Legalities Beyond the State (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021)
  • 鈥淚ndigenous Law: What non-Indigenous People Can Learn From Indigenous Legal Thought鈥 in Mariana Valverde, Kamari M. Clarke, Eve Darian Smith, and Prabha Kotiswaran (eds), (London: Routledge, 2021)
  • 鈥淓cological Law and Indigenous Relational Ontologies: Beyond the 鈥楨cological Indian鈥?鈥 in Kirsten Anker, Peter Burdon, Geoffrey Garver, Michelle Maloney and Carla Sbert (eds), (London: Routledge, 2021). .
  • 鈥溾楥olonialism and Access to a Disenchanted Earth鈥 in Ya毛ll Emerich et Laurence Saint-Pierre Harvey (eds), (Montreal: Th茅mis, 2019). .
  • 鈥楶ostcolonial Jurisprudence and the Pluralist Turn: From Making Space to Being in Place鈥 in Nicole Roughan and Andrew Halpin (eds), In Pursuit of Pluralist Jurisprudence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) (pp.261-293)
  • 鈥楲aw, Culture and Fact in Indigenous Claims: Legal Pluralism as a Problem of Recognition鈥 in Ren茅 Provost (ed), Centaur Jurisprudence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016)
  • 鈥楥ontextualizing Governance鈥 in Daniel Jutras, Rosalie Jukier and Richard Janda, The Unbounded Level of the Mind: Rod Macdonald鈥檚 Legal Imagination (Montreal: 平特五不中-Queens University Press, 2015)
  • "Symptoms of Sovereignty? Apologies, Indigenous Rights and Reconciliation in Australia and Canada" in Peer Zumbansen and Ruth Buchanen (eds), Law in Transition: Human Rights, Development and Transitional Justice (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014).


  • 鈥楤ook Review: Aboriginal Title and Indigenous Peoples: Canada, Australia and New Zealand鈥 (2012) 85 Pacific Affairs 446
  • 鈥榃e, the Nomads: A Review of Lawscape: Property, Environment, Law鈥 (2011) 7 平特五不中 International Journal of Sustainable Development Law & Policy 233


  • 鈥楤etween a Rock and a Sacred Place: The Limits of Aboriginal Title and Freedom of Religion in Ktunaxa v. BC鈥 IACL-AIDC Blog (International Association of Constitutional Law) 17 August 2018
  • Special Issue Guest Editor 鈥 Signs in and of Place: Indigenous Issues in the Semiotics of Law, (2015) 28(4) International Journal for the Semiotics of Law
  • with Ben Hightower, 鈥業ntroduction: (Re)Imagining Law: Marginalised Bodies/Indigenous Spaces鈥 (2015) 28(4) International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 1-8
  • Indigenous Legal Traditions and Indian Residential Schools: Law, Sovereignty and Reconciliation in Translation (May 2013) Working Paper prepared for the Canadian Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • 'Land鈥 (June 2012) 平特五不中 Companion to Law

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