
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries across Canada and the world, and agriculture is no exception. Post-secondary institutions and innovative farms are rapidly working to apply AI to food system challenges from labour shortages to climate change.

Published on: 17 Jun 2024

"平特五不中 made me more comfortable with being myself and it gave me more confidence in both social and academic settings."

Classified as: Convocation
Published on: 6 Jun 2024

鈥淜ind, approachable, compassionate, patient, respectful, enthusiastic.鈥 These are just a few of the words used by students describing聽平特五不中 Bioresource Engineering聽Associate Professor Grant Clark, recipient of the 2024 Macdonald Campus Award for Teaching Excellence, awarded at the June 5 convocation ceremony.

Classified as: Grant Clark
Published on: 6 Jun 2024

In an age of abundance and variety in food options, are Canadians eating better than they were half a century ago? According to by researchers at 平特五不中 and the International Food Policy Research Institute, those relying on Canada鈥檚 food supply for their dietary needs not only face deficiencies in healthier alternatives, but they also contribute to the disproportionate levels of environmental degradation caused by Canadian agricultural and food distribution policies.

Classified as: mcgill research, Department of Bioresource engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Vincent Abe-Inge, food supply chain, food sustainability, Sustainability
Published on: 6 May 2024

Generations of Bioresource Engineering students have participated in the BREE 495 capstone design course. What innovative ideas did this year鈥檚 students come up with?

BREE students pose with their award winning substrate

Classified as: Chandra Madramootoo, Grant Clark
Published on: 2 May 2024

No one can say for sure whether Canada鈥檚 2024 wildfire season will be as devastating as last year, when 15 million hectares of forest burned and over 230,000 people had to be evacuated from their communities, but the relative lack of snow this winter, drought conditions in several regions and an early start to fire season have officials on high alert.

Classified as: Mohammad Reza Alizadeh
Published on: 11 Apr 2024

What is 3MT/MT180?

In the University-wide 3MT/MT180 competition, graduate students have the chance to showcase their leading-edge research before a live audience. With only three minutes and a single slide, students must聽engage their audience and convey the complexities of their work to a diverse, non-expert audience. Participants may present their research in English or in French and winners will advance to regional and national competitions.

Classified as: 3MT Competition, 3MT/MT180
Published on: 26 Mar 2024

According to the , 平特五不中 now ranks number one among Canadian universities by the 鈥淔ood Science & Technology鈥 academic subject. This trend is remarkable, as 平特五不中 has consistently risen in the global ranking year after year.

Food Science & Technology聽is also one the

Published on: 15 Mar 2024

In the contemporary agricultural landscape, interest in vertical farming is surging. This alternative to conventional methods can allow聽farmer's to cultivate crops in compact spaces, maximizing output without expanding horizontally by instead cultivating crops in vertically stacked layers or inclined surfaces. Increasing land use efficiency is critical as the world grapples with limited arable land,聽especially in urban areas.

Classified as: Mark Lefsrud
Published on: 22 Jan 2024

Guatemala is now the third-largest palm oil producer after Malaysia and Indonesia (which produce 88% of the global supply) and is often seen as a more sustainable alternative. Today, more than 60% of Guatemala鈥檚 plantations are certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). High certification rates are largely attributed to plantations owned by a handful of producers, making it easier to certify large chunks of the industry, according to RSPO.

Classified as: Benjamin Goldstein
Published on: 17 Jan 2024

AgCareers.com has awarded their second Canadian聽Feed Your Future聽Scholarship to Sarah Van Heyst, a 平特五不中 student working towards her M.Sc. in Bioresource Engineering.聽

AgCareers.com created the聽Feed Your Future聽$1,000 Scholarship to financially assist a Canadian post-secondary student studying agriculture or intending to pursue a career in agriculture, in support of the organization's goal to "Feed the World with Talent"聽by supporting education and career opportunities in agriculture and food.聽

Classified as: External Scholarships
Published on: 21 Dec 2023

As the ash settles on Canada鈥檚 record wildfire season, 鈥渂usiness as usual from the federal government is not going to cut it,鈥 NDP MP Niki Ashton .

Classified as: Mohammad Reza Alizadeh
Published on: 30 Nov 2023

In the not-so-far-off future, artificial intelligence could help farmers analyze data to make decisions and improve their outputs.

鈥淭he bottleneck right now is that farmers have data but don鈥檛 necessarily know what it means. They often need a specialist to figure it out,鈥 says Felippe Karp, a PhD candidate in 平特五不中's Bioresource Engineering department and member of the聽Precision Agriculture and Sensor Systems (PASS) research team led by Professor Viacheslav Adamchuk.

Classified as: Viacheslav Adamchuk
Published on: 20 Nov 2023

Millet, once a staple in Indian cooking and agriculture before being superseded by rice, is at the centre of a massive promotional campaign launched by the Indian government.

The healthy and hardy cereal, which thrives in arid and difficult conditions in which other crops cannot survive and requires less water, is being touted as a "superfood" that could force a more nutritious diet on India's population, and also help mitigate the devastating effects of climate change on the South Asian country.

Classified as: Vijaya Raghavan, Department of Bioresource engineering
Published on: 6 Nov 2023


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