
Lucie Nadeau, MD

Dr Nadeau is a psychiatrist at the Montreal Children鈥檚 Hospital where her clinical work is shared between the Transcultural Psychiatry clinic and the Consultation-liaison service, and an Assistant Professor in the department of Psychiatry at 平特五不中. She received her training in medicine and psychiatry at the Universit茅 de Montr茅al and 平特五不中 and completed a Master鈥檚 degree in transcultural psychiatry at 平特五不中. Her current research interests include the influence of culture and context in the treatment of minority youths suffering from chronic illness, the therapeutic process in clinical work with migrant children and youths, and the development of treatment modalities for these migrants. Dr Nadeau is also Member of the Groupe-Conseil on the prevention of suicide for the Attikamekw Community of Wemotaci.

lucie.nadeau [at] mcgill.ca (Email)

Selected Articles

Measham, T., Guzder, J., Rousseau, C., & Nadeau, L. (2010). Cultural considerations in child and adolescent psychiatry. Psychiatric Times, 27(1). Retrived from

Pluye, P., & Nadeau, L., (2010). Les 茅valuations mixtes des actions de r茅duction des in茅galit茅s. In L. Potvin, M.-J. Moquet, & C. M. Jones (Eds.), R茅duire les in茅galit茅s sociales en sant茅.Saint-Denis (pp. 380).聽INPES, coll. Sant茅 en action.

Nadeau, L., Rousseau, C., S茅guin, Y., & Moreau, N. (2009). 脡valuation pr茅liminaire d鈥檜n projet de soins concert茅s en sant茅 mentale jeunesse 脿 Montr茅al: faire face 脿 l鈥檌ncertitude institutionnelle et culturelle. Sant茅 mentale au Qu茅bec, 34(1), 127-142.

Pluye, P., Nadeau, L., Gagnon, M-P., Grad, R. M., Johnson-Lafleur, J, & Griffiths, F. (2009). Les m茅thodes mixtes. In V. Ridde & C. Dagenais (Eds.), Approches et pratiques en 茅valuation de programme. Collection 芦Param猫tres禄. Montr茅al聽: Presses de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al.

Rousseau, C., Nadeau, L., & Measham, T. (2008). Les mains sales: racisme et responsabilit茅 morale en clinique. L鈥檃utre, cliniques, cultures et soci茅t茅, 9(3), 349-359.

Rousseau, C., Ter Kuile, S., Mu帽oz, M., Nadeau, L., Ouimet, M-J., Kirmayer, L., & Cr茅peau, F. (2008). Health care access for refugee and immigrant with precarious status: public health and human right challenges. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 99(4), 290-292.

Nadeau, L. (2007). L鈥檃lt茅rit茅 dans la rencontre de p茅dopsychiatrie transculturelle. In M. Cognet, & C. Montgomery (Eds.), 脡thique de l鈥檃lt茅rit茅. La question de la culture dans le champ de la sant茅 et des services sociaux (pp.177-190). Montr茅al: Les Presses de l鈥橴niversit茅 Laval. (r茅vision par les pairs).

Ter Kuile, S., Rousseau, C., Mu帽oz, M., Nadeau, L., & Ouimet, M-J. (2007) The universality of the Canadian health system in question: Barriers to services for immigrants and refugees. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 3(1), 15-26.

Groleau, D., Pluye, P., & Nadeau, L. (2007). A mix-method approach to the cultural understanding of distress and non-use of mental health services. Journal of Mental Health, 16(6), 731-741.

Benigeri, M., Bluteau, J. P., Roberge, M., Provencher, P., & Nadeau, L. (2007). L鈥檜tilisation des services de sant茅 mentale par les Montr茅alais en 2004-2005. Montr茅al: Agence de la sant茅 et des services sociaux de Montr茅al.

Auger, L. T., Nadeau, L., Beauregard, M. (2007). Ces enfants venus d鈥檃illeurs. Le m茅decin du Qu茅bec, 42(3), 55-63.

Nadeau, L., & Measham, T. (2006). Caring for migrant and refugee children: Challenges associated with mental healthcare in pediatrics. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 27(2), 145-154.

Nadeau, L. (2006). La salud de los pueblos originarios聽: comprender mejor e intervenir de otro modo. In De Plaen (Ed.), La atencion de los ni帽os y el pluralismo cultural (pp.45-51). Montreal: 脡ditions de l鈥橦么pital Ste-Justine.

Nadeau, L. & Measham, T. (2006). Caring for migrant and refugee children: challenges associated with mental healthcare in pediatrics. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 27(2), 145-154.

Nadeau, L. (2005). Stereotyping: The Politics of Representation by M. Pickering [book review]. Transcultural Psychiatry,42(3), 510-511.

Nadeau, L. & Measham, T. (2005). Immigrant and Mental Health Services聽: Increasing Collaboration with Other Service Providers. The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review, 14(3), 73-76.

Measham, T., Rousseau, C. & Nadeau, L. (2005). The Development and Therapeutic Modalities of a Transcultural Child Psychiatry Service. The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review, 14(3), 68-72.

Nadeau, L. (2004). Alt茅rit茅 et relations de pouvoir dans le processus th茅rapeutique d鈥檜ne clinique de p茅dopsychiatrie transculturelle. Master鈥檚 Thesis, Psychiatry Department, 平特五不中.

Nadeau, L. (2004). Sant茅 des Autochtones聽: Mieux comprendre et intervenir diff茅remment. In S. De Plaen (Ed.), Soins aux enfants et pluralisme culturel. Collection Intervenir, Montreal聽: 脡ditions de l鈥橦么pital Ste-Justine (pp.45-52).

Rousseau, C. & Nadeau, L. (2003). Migration, exil et sant茅 mentale. In T. Baubet & M.R. Moro (Eds.), Psychiatrie et migration. Paris: 脡ditions Masson (pp.126-136).

Measham, T., Nadeau, L., Rousseau, C. et al. (2001). The Montreal Children鈥檚 Hospital鈥檚 Transcultural Child Psychiatry Clinic聽: A Unique Clientele and a Diversity of Clinical Interventions. In: L. Kirmayer, C. Rousseau, E. Rosenberg, et al. Development and Evaluation of a Cultural Consultation Service in Mental Health. Report for the Health Transitions Fund.

Pluye, P., Nadeau, N. & Nadeau, L. (2000). Les contraintes impos茅es par le terrain sur la rigueur. Recherches qualitatives, 21, 125-136.

Nadeau, L. & Pluye, P. (1999). De passage 脿 Sarajevo聽: questions 脿 propos de la position des th茅rapeutes en sant茅 mentale dans un contexte de guerre. Prisme, 28, 54-67.

Plante, M.-C., Morin, C., Bruneau, M.-A. & Nadeau, L. (1999). Women Without Homes聽: A Growing Phenomenon. Canadian Journal of CME, 11(10), 193-203.

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