
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion


Serving our students means supporting equity, diversity and inclusion in everything we do. We aim to increase visibility and ease of access to both student and staff-led equity initiatives, groups and resources.
A 平特五不中 student volunteer, outside on a sunny summer day.

Your source for resources, intiatives, workshops, programming, and more.

Student Services has聽developed an Anti-Black Racism Plan聽to contribute to the improvement of the Black student experience at 平特五不中.聽This Plan includes a campus-wide assessment of the specific realities of 平特五不中鈥檚 Black student population.聽

If you have suggestions or ideas about things we should include on this page, please聽student.services [at] mcgill.ca (reach out to us)!

平特五不中 is on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous peoples whose presence marks this territory on which peoples of the world now gather.聽Visit the Office of Indigenous Initiatives website to learn more about the聽Land and Peoples of聽Tiohti脿:ke/ Montreal.

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