
Volunteer with MORSL

Current Volunteer Opportunities

1. Distribution of Radix magazine to our stands around campus (Ongoing call)

What the volunteer does:

Come by and receive a stack of magazines and directions to one of our stand locations on campus.

How to sign up:

If you are willing and able to stock the stands, please morsl [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Volunteering) (email us) or phone us at 514-398-4104.

2. Distribution of MORSL posters around campus (Ongoing call)

What the volunteer does:

Would you like to help increase awareness of MORSL events and workshops throughout the 平特五不中 community? Come by our office to pick up some posters and speak with one of our staff members where we would like you to distribute them. Currently we are looking for help distributing posters to advertise our Peer Faith Volunteer Program.听

How to sign up:

If you are willing and able to help with postering, please morsl [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Volunteering) (email us) or phone us at 514-398-4104.

Looking for the Winter Coat Project?

As of January 2019, the Winter Coat Project has a new home with WUSC 平特五不中! Learn more about the transfer here听and keep up with the latest news and via the .

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