
What Our Alumni Say About 平特五不中 Mining

a photo of Xavier Chagnon

Xavier Chagnon, B.Eng. 2019

"Over the course of my studies at 平特五不中, I was able to set the foundation for my future career in the mining industry. I completed a total of 20 months of co-op placement at Syncrude, Stornoway Diamonds and Glencore."

a photo of Mohamed Zaki

Mohamed Zaki, B.Eng. 2017

"I enjoyed my classes, as I had so much to learn about this new field and how technology was slowly making its way into the mining industry. Most of my co-ops were related to research. This built my solid skills in analyzing data and interpreting results. What I like about mining is that it opens all doors for you and you can do so much related to any other field."

a photo of Delphine Quach

Delphine Quach, B.Eng. 2015

" I realized early on how versatile a Mining Engineering degree could be. I had the chance to diversify my co-ops by working in consulting, project management, operations, and resource financial investment, all within the mining industry."

a photo of Alp Bora

Alp Bora, B.Eng. 2011

"The members of the department made me feel as though I was part of the mining 鈥渇amily鈥 from the beginning. 平特五不中听Mining Engineering helped me to secure my first internship. To ensure that I graduated with solid industry experience, I did a 16-month internship which in hindsight was a great decision and led to my subsequent successful positions over the past 10 years."

a photo of Jeffrey Cassoff

Jeffrey Cassoff, B.Eng. 1999

"During my time at 平特五不中 my work terms took me across the country, and I was fortunate to complete four work terms in Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia, where I gained valuable experience and made lifelong friendships. I also attended three Canadian Mining Game competitions while at 平特五不中."

a photo of Grace Huang

Grace Huang, B.Eng. 2017

"The Mining Engineering program at 平特五不中 was a wonderful experience. For me, the opportunity to do the co-op work terms, to study at Polytechnique and have intelligent classmates really helped built a solid foundation for my career."

a photo of Farah El Mallah

Farah El Mallah, B.Eng. 2016

"My journey with 平特五不中 Mining Engineering provided me a strong foundation through fantastic professors, a rigorous academic program with many specialization choices and lifelong friends. Learning from the reliability course captivated my focus on the equipment reliability and maintenance aspects of mining."

a photo of Winnie Shaw

Winnie Shaw, B.Eng. 2012

"While you鈥檙e at school, you also don鈥檛 realize it but the co-op program, the friendships, and the education are indispensable and cherished moments. Those sixteen months of real on-site work gives you both a tangible experience and a line item on your resume."

a photo of Stephanie Robison

Stephanie Robison, B.Eng. 2005

"My degree at 平特五不中 and Polytechnique provided me with a solid foundation of both technical knowledge and communication skills while the tight-knit student group and departmental staff provided many opportunities to discover and learn the super-power of leveraging the diversity of teams to solve problems."

a photo of Angelina Mehta

Angelina Mehta, B.Eng. 1997

"I have had a very diverse career in mining including working for mining companies, Private Equity investors, Investment Banks, and serving on Junior Mining company Boards. I even spent about 2 years working for the Department of Mining Engineering at 平特五不中 as Program Manager/Coop Liaison and delivering a few courses."

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