Facts & Figures

Did you know there is a small, diverse student population in the ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Mining Engineering Program?

In the Fall of 2014, there were 153 undergraduate students – all years (U0-U4) with 18% female students!

Do you know what CMEUS stands for?

CMEUS is the Co-op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society. It is active and most of the students participate in CMEUS activities. The Executive Committee is elected every year before final exams to serve during the next academic year. CMEUS actively engages and helpsÌýthe student body throughout the year to promote a great university experience.

Did you know the Co-op Liaison Officer helps students prepares for and to find a co-op job?

At the beginning of every Fall, new students are given an orientation designed to build a relationship with the staff and faculty members of the program. The MIME 200 tutorials offer guidance on CV and cover letter writing skills and other pre-co-op information for success. Other resources includes the ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Engineering Student Centre (MESC) and the Career Planning Services (CaPS).

One-on-one assistance is also available.

Did you know there are students enjoying study-abroad exchanges in Australia and Chile?

Mining Engineering students go through a process and plan long in advance to study-abroad in partnered Universities in several locations. The Professors who serve as Program Advisors work with you and the Faculty of Engineering to prepare your adventure.

Did you know there are healthy job markets for Mining Engineering graduates in a variety of career paths - worldwide?

If you’re thinking that Mining is all about digging holes, guess again. While it’s good to have some five (5) years worth of field experience in mining and energy sectors, many graduates develop further into Management or Senior Executive roles within 10-15 years.

Visit the Alumni Profile page for a small glimpse at what opportunities exist for ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Mining Engineering graduates.

Do you know what the average salary is after graduation?

Depending on where you work, Mining Engineering graduates can start at $60-80,000/year.

On-campus recruitment for new graduates start in the Fall semester to meet final year students.


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