
Nomination form: Macdonald DAA/DYAA Awards

The Distinguished Alumni Awards recognize graduates who have achieved outstanding accomplishments in their professional and personal lives, and who have been an inspiration to fellow alumni, current students, and/or the community.

Awards are presented at Homecoming every year and the list of past recipients can be viewed on the Faculty webpage.

Extended deadline for Distinguished Young Alumni nominations: August 15, 2024


  • Nominees must be in receipt of a degree or diploma from one of the programs offered at the Macdonald Campus.
  • To be eligible for the Distinguished Young Alumni Award, nominees must have graduated from Macdonald within the last ten (10) years.
  • Current faculty and staff may be granted awards for exemplary contributions and commitment beyond the immediate scope of their work.
  • Posthumous nominations will not be considered.
  • For the DYAA Awards, self-nominations will be considered, as long as they are accompanied by a reference letter. For the DAA Awards self-nominations are not considered.
  • Current members of the Distinguished Alumni Awards Committee will not be eligible for the awards.


The DAA and DYAA Awards are given for accomplishments in one of the two following categories. The nominator is requested to select a nomination category, even if for some nominees both categories may be relevant.

Outstanding professional accomplishments, scholarly distinction, and/or service to the discipline or sector

Awardees would typically have leveraged the education received at Macdonald Campus to build an impactful career that has led to exceptional contributions in the discipline and/or impact on the sector. The nominee's professional accomplishments are expected to reflect positively on the educational institution.

Outstanding service to the Macdonald Campus Community

Awardees typically made exceptional contributions to the functioning of the institution, for example through leveraging their networks for the benefit of the institution, supporting fundraising or other initiatives, mentoring students, involvement in outreach, or other meaningful connections.


  • Nominations will be considered for the year in which they are submitted.
  • Nominees that are not selected this year may be conserved for two years at the discretion of the DAA/DYAA Awards Committee.
  • Nominations must satisfy the criteria for one of the award categories and be received by the deadline date published.
  • Awards will be bestowed during Homecoming every year. They are not bestowed in absentia, save in exceptional circumstances.

Submit a nomination

Identify yourself, your own connection to Macdonald Campus, and provide details of your interaction with the nominee, e.g. by describing how you know them.
A short description (300 words or less) of the nominee鈥檚 accomplishments as they pertain to the one or both of the criteria defined above.
Self-nominating DYAA candidates must include a reference letter. For all other nominations no letters other the nomination (above) is required but can be included optionally. Other supporting evidence may be submitted if deemed necessary, e.g. press coverage/social media coverage of the nominee's work, official accolades, or testimonials by others. There is no need to submit the nominee's CV or publication list, but links to relevant web sites can be included.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png txt pdf doc docx.
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