
Macdonald Campus Award of Excellence for Administrative and Support Staff

Each year, Macdonald Campus formally honours a member of the Administrative and Support staff who demonstrates outstanding performance and contribution in support of the promotion and development of the Macdonald Campus and Community both in the execution of their duties and in the effort and commitment towards service. This award recipient will truly have made a difference to Macdonald Campus life.

This award is open to all members of the Administrative and Support Staff who have been on staff on the Macdonald Campus for a minimum of three years and who work on the Macdonald Campus at the time of nomination. Permanent part-time, permanent sessional and term appointment staff may be considered for the award; the length of service for these staff must be equivalent to three years full-time on the Campus.

Le campus Macdonald honore officiellement chaque ann茅e un membre du personnel administratif et de soutien qui a obtenu un rendement exceptionnel et qui a contribu茅 脿 la promotion et au d茅veloppement du campus Macdonald et de la communaut茅 dans l鈥檈x茅cution de ses responsabilit茅s et dans ses efforts et sa collaboration aux services. Le laur茅at de ce prix devra avoir eu un r茅el impact sur la vie du campus Macdonald.

Ce prix peut 锚tre d茅cern茅 脿 tout membre du personnel administratif et de soutien 脿 l鈥檈mploi du campus Macdonald depuis au moins trois ans et qui y travaille au moment de sa mise en candidature. La candidature des employ茅s occupant un poste permanent 脿 temps partiel ou un poste permanent saisonnier et du personnel nomm茅 pour une p茅riode d茅termin茅e sera 茅galement 茅tudi茅e; ces candidats doivent toutefois avoir cumul茅 des 茅tats de services 茅quivalant 脿 trois ans 脿 temps plein au campus Macdonald.

2024 Recipient: Francine Lacelle, Administrative Supervisor, Farm Management and Technology Program

Francine Lacelle holds her framed award in front of a backdrop of lilacs

Francine Lacelle has been a dedicated member of the Farm Management and Technology (FMT)听Program administration since 1991, when she began her career at Macdonald Campus. Her position may have changed over the past three decades, but Francine has consistently remained an invaluable contributor to the smooth operation of both the daily business and special events at the department. Her unwavering can-do attitude, professionalism, and cheerful demeanor make her not only a very productive worker but also a great team player and cherished colleague.

Without dedicated staff like Francine, Macdonald Campus and 平特五不中 would not be the world-class institution it is.听Francine Lacelle embodies the true collaborative spirit of Macdonald Campus, and the close-knit nature of the Macdonald Campus Farm and FMT program relationship, for these reasons, we formally recognize her contributions to our community.

Previous Award Recipients

2023 Christine Butler, Director of Administration, Macdonald Campus

2022 Nancy Lavigne, Business Operations Manager, Macdonald Campus Farm听

2021 Danielle C么t茅, Human Resources Advisor, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

2019 Ann Gossage, Administrative Assistant (NRS and Animal Science)

2018 Macdonald Campus Care Team (Alain Bertrand, Michel B茅dard, Daniel Bleho, Jean Mazerolle, Jeanne Page, Thomas Forrester, Andrew Fraser, Maoxin Xu)

2017 Michel Mass茅, Logistics and Macdonald Campus Operations

2016 Vee Rowat, Student Affairs Office

2014 Paul Meldrum, Manager, Macdonald Campus Farm

2013 Francine Tardif, School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition

2012 Joanne Ten Eyck, Assistant to the Dean

2010 Mike Bleho, Department of Plant Science

2009 Luciano Germani, IT Customer Services (ICS)

2008 Roslyn James, Department of Plant Science

2007 Peter Knox, Department of Facilities Management

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