
Verification and Access to Student Records

Students are responsible for the correctness and completeness of their records. While the Associate Dean (Academic) and the Student Affairs Office staff are available to give advice and guidance, the ultimate responsibility for course selection, compliance with and completion of program and degree requirements, and observance of regulations and deadlines rests with the student.

It is your responsibility to inform yourself of the program requirements and to seek guidance to clarify doubts or to resolve problems.

Verification Week

Verification Week occurs twice during an academic year, in October and February (see the SAO's Current Deadlines for exact dates). Students are responsible for verifying their academic record on using the unofficial transcript to ensure that they are registered in the proper courses, and that the correct program information and expected term of graduation is appearing on their record. Students should report any errors or omissions to the SAO by the last day of Verification Week by 15:00.

REMEMBER, your record is your responsibility. Take the time and check your record carefully to ensure you are meeting the degree requirements. Undergraduate students may verify their requirements by completing a Degree Audit Form, found on the Forms and documents for law students page.

What to check:

  1. Make sure your name is properly spelled. Corrections to accents, apostrophes, hyphens, periods, blank spaces and case may be done on MINERVA. Legal name changes must be recorded at 平特五不中's Admissions and Registrar鈥檚 Office (ARRO). You will need to provide official documentation, e.g. passport, birth certificate, as proof, to the ARRO. To change your preferred first name, consult 平特五不中 Student Records: Preferred First Name. Requesting a preferred first name be used at 平特五不中 does not change a student鈥檚 legal name in the 平特五不中 student record, nor in government records.
  2. Confirm the courses you are taking this term are correctly listed.
  3. Check that the program information is indicated correctly.
  4. Verify your address. If incorrect, DO NOT write it on your verification; to record an address change, use MINERVA.
  5. If you are graduating, check that the "Expect to Graduate" flag is on your record, added via Minerva. See 平特五不中 Student Records: Apply to graduate.

Checking prior to graduating

Graduating students must make sure to verify their record on prior to the end of term in which they are graduating to ensure that the correct expected term of graduation is indicated on their unofficial transcript; if not, the student may be overlooked for graduation. Use the聽Verify your degree requirements聽form聽for this.

Direct any questions or problems with your record to the SAO.

Access to student records

Quebec legislation respecting Privacy and Access to Information has formalized dealings with student files. Consequently, personal information, including transcripts of academic records, may only be released with the authorisation of the student.

In particular, information relating to the overall standing of an individual student is confidential and cannot be furnished to prospective employers without the consent of that student.

The Faculty does not rank undergraduate students, but we do publish a table of cumulative averages.

Students who wish to review their file must info.law [at] mcgill.ca (email the SAO) and make an appointment. Allow a minimum of 4 working days for processing the request.

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