
Teaching in French

French Exams

To determine which test you need to take, you should ask yourself some听questions:听

  • Do you want to work in a French or an English school/board?听
  • Do you want to teach in Qu茅bec or in another province upon graduation?听
  • Are you in the TESL program? (Requirements听may be听different for ESL specialists.)

Here is an overview of the most听common French exams:听

  1. 颁茅蹿谤补苍肠:听The C茅franc听is the test that is the most widely accepted by school boards in Qu茅bec. This test is not recognized outside of Qu茅bec. To register, you need to contact the . It is also advised to read thoroughly the available on their website. For all subjects except ESL, Spanish, and vocational training, teachers need to pass test 1 and 2. ESL teachers must pass test 3 and 4.听
  2. SEL:听The SEL () is another French proficiency test, but not all school boards recognize听it, especially English school boards. The test is not recognized outside of Qu茅bec.听Students should do听their own research and determine the appropriate test based on their career objectives and their skill levels.The examination center offers a听 and on their website.听
  3. 罢贰颁贵脡贰:听The TECF脡E is not听a test 平特五不中 Education students are permitted to听take. Only Education students in French universities must听pass it. (It is considered the equivalent to the EETC).听
  4. DELF/DALF:听The DELF and DALF are six separate diplomas issued by the French Ministry for National Education to certify French language skills (see chart below). These diplomas are valid for life. DELF and DALF certificates are developed by the Centre International d鈥橢tudes P茅dagogiques (CIEP) and reflect the six levels of the Common European Framework of听Reference for Languages (CEFRL). In听2016, the DELF and DALF examinations are available in 173听countries and are recognized worldwide.听听DELF and DALF evaluate language skills in four areas: oral comprehension, oral expression, written听comprehension, and written expression. The听DALF is accepted by some English school boards. C1 is generally the minimum level expected for teaching positions. Visit the Canadian to get the list of examination centers.听听
CECRL DELF/DALF Proficiency level听
C2 DALF C2听 Advanced听
C1 DALF C1 Advanced
B2 DELF B2 Independent
B1 DELF B1 Independent听
A2 DELF A2 Beginner听
A1 DELF A1 Beginner听

Each school board has their own requirements regarding French exams. You are invited to check each听school/board's website for their language policy for teachers. The passing grade can also be different. Please contact your Education Career Advisor (career.education [at] mcgill.ca)听if you have additional questions regarding French exams.听

French Proficiency Test Information Session:

This session further describes each French proficiency examination, how to register, and which ones are recommended for B.Ed. programs. This information session also provided details on which French proficiency tests local school boards recommend - EMSB, LBPSB, SWLSB, RSB, NFSB, CSSDM, CSSMB, CSSPI.听PDF icon Access the presentation slides here.

Resources to improve your French skills听

  • Consider taking听French courses at 平特五不中. Make sure to discuss听this possibility with your academic advisor.
  • The makes it possible for students to benefit from an immersion experience and improve their knowledge of one of Canada鈥檚 two official languages: French or English. The five-week spring or summer bursary program makes it possible for participants to learn their second language at an accredited educational institution while discovering a region of Qu茅bec or the rest of Canada. Participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.听Bursaries are awarded by random draw. The bursary does not cover the registration fee, the travel costs and optional activities, and spending money.
  • is a MISN (平特五不中 International Student听Network) initiative that听facilitates language exchanges between students听from various universities in Montreal.听
  • 听and regularly offer听inexpensive French classes (e.g. beginner, intermediate conversational).
  • also offers affordable French classes.听
  • : online exercises and resources to review grammar听
  • Centre d'enseignement du fran莽ais de 平特五不中: The Centre coordinates various projects and social events you can participate in to brush up your skills.听

听Some adult education centers and privates academies offer preparation classes for the C茅franc or the SEL:

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