

Scarlet Key Applications Due

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The 平特五不中 Scarlet Key Society has been recognizing excellence in student leadership and outstanding dedication to their community and their peers. Each year the Scarlet Key is given out at a ceremony attended by the 平特五不中 President. All interested candidates are encouraged to apply and provide all necessary materials by January 31, 2025.

La Soci茅t茅 "Scarlet Key" de 平特五不中 l'excellence du leadership des 茅tudiants et leur d茅vouement exceptionnel envers leur communaut茅 et leurs pairs. Chaque ann茅e, le "Scarlet Key" est remise lors d'une c茅r茅monie 脿 laquelle assiste le recteur de 平特五不中. Tous les candidats int茅ress茅s doivent poser leur candidature et fournir tous les documents n茅cessaires avant le 31 janvier 2025.

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