
Two-hundred years ago, a young man frequented swamps, stream banks and thickets, collecting wild plants across what would become the urban core of the city of Montreal. He had recently returned home from Edinburgh, where he had gone to be receive medical training, learning there also techniques of drying and preserving plant specimens, botany and medicine then being sister-subjects.

Classified as: Herbarium, frieda beauregard
Published on: 23 Jun 2022

On May 18, 97 laureates were celebrated at the Bravo 2022 gala, an event honouring 平特五不中 researchers and scholars across disciplines who won special awards, memberships, and prizes during the preceding year.

Classified as: Jaswinder Singh
Published on: 6 Jun 2022

Two public art projects launching in Montreal this summer take inspiration from the botanical collection of Dr. Andrew Holmes, one of the founders of 平特五不中's Faculty of Medicine.

Classified as: frieda beauregard, andrew holmes
Published on: 9 May 2022

Three Mac-based research projects have been funded through FQRNT/MAPAQ鈥檚 first Partnership Research Program-Sustainable Agriculture . All of the projects fall under the scientific program developed by the .

Congrats to Profs:

Classified as: Valerio Hoyos-Villegas, Cynthia Kallenbach, Joann Whalen
Published on: 29 Apr 2022

Professor (Natural Resource Sciences) and Director of the Lyman Entomological Museum Jessica Gillung and Assistant Professor (Plant Science) Mehran Dastmalchi are among the eight 平特五不中 recipients of funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation John R. Evans Fund (JELF) and the Government of Quebec.

Classified as: Jessica Gillung, Mehran Dastmalchi, funding announcement, CFI-JELF
Published on: 2 Mar 2022

Congratulations to Dean Anja Geitmann who is the 2020 recipient of the Frances W. Doane Award. The objective of the Frances W Doane award is to recognize the valuable service and contributions that an individual made to the Microscopical Society of Canada.

Classified as: Microscopy, Research
Published on: 12 Jun 2020

Award funding gives students lab time, research experience and the chance to discover the right path

...Supported by a Schulich Graduate Fellowship, doctoral student Bikram Poudel is working to improve one of the world鈥檚 most important food crops.

Classified as: Research, Scholarships
Published on: 3 Feb 2020

Ils d茅tonnent du reste du paysage hivernal : ces arbres, contrairement aux autres, gardent leurs feuilles m锚me apr猫s leur mort. Ce ph茅nom猫ne, appel茅 marcescence, est observable chez certaines esp猫ces d'arbres. M茅t茅oM茅dia s'est entretenu avec David Wees, charg茅 de cours au D茅partement des sciences v茅g茅tales et directeur adjoint du programme Gestion et technologies d鈥檈ntreprise agricole (GTEA) 脿 l'universit茅 平特五不中.

Published on: 30 Jan 2020

Nouveau livre redact茅 par David Wees, D茅partement des sciences v茅g茅tales et Gestion et technologies d鈥檈nterprise agricole (FMT)

Classified as: fines herbes
Published on: 24 Jan 2020

In 2019 鈥 with the help of the Borlaug Training Foundation 鈥 [Germination] put out the call to plant breeders asking them what they would do if they had $10 million to make the world a better place. Valerio Hoyos-Villegas, pulse breeder at 平特五不中, answered the call. He tells his story about how growing up around the coffee farms of Colombia set him on the path to helping feed the planet. Hosted by Germination editor Marc Zienkiewicz.

Classified as: pulse breeding, Plant Breeding
Published on: 9 Jan 2020

Originaire des Andes en Colombie, Valerio Hoyos-Villegas a grandi en milieu agricole et a 茅tudi茅 l鈥檃griculture partout dans le monde. Il comprend bien le d茅fi que repr茅sente la production alimentaire.

Published on: 8 Jan 2020

芦听脌 la fruiterie du coin, je saute syst茅matiquement sur l鈥檃il du Qu茅bec听禄, avoue Jean-Benoit Charron, chercheur 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 平特五不中. Avec la demande grandissante pour les produits du terroir, l鈥檃il qu茅b茅cois est tr猫s pris茅 des consommateurs. Il se d茅marque par son go没t, sa dur茅e de conservation et sa faible teneur en pesticides. Pourtant, sa production demeure marginale. La raison听: le manque de puret茅 des semences.

Classified as: garlic, ail, semences
Published on: 23 Oct 2019

芦听Je suis un gars de l鈥橝bitibi, donc je suis habitu茅 au froid!听禄 s鈥檈xclame Jean-Benoit Charron, chercheur 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 平特五不中. En raison des changements climatiques, le froid n鈥檈st toutefois plus ce qu鈥檌l 茅tait. Les plantes cultiv茅es dans les champs doivent s鈥檃dapter 脿 ces nouvelles conditions.

芦听Certains 茅pisodes de froid arrivent tr猫s t么t, et d鈥檃utres beaucoup plus tard qu鈥檃vant听禄, explique le scientifique. De plus, les redoux en plein hiver r茅duisent la couverture de neige, privant ainsi la plante d鈥檜ne couche isolante.

Classified as: Plants, climate change, cold, adaption
Published on: 9 Oct 2019

Communication de presse, Universit茅 平特五不中 - 8 ao没t 2019

La pectine et la cellulose pourraient jouer un r么le dans le m茅canisme mol茅culaire r茅gissant la morphologie des cellules v茅g茅tales

En d茅couvrant la m茅canique et le m茅canisme mol茅culaire qui dictent la forme des cellules v茅g茅tales, une 茅quipe de chercheurs de l鈥橴niversit茅 平特五不中 a partiellement lev茅 le voile sur les processus fondamentaux qui r茅gissent la formation des tissus dans les organismes multicellulaires.

Classified as: morphologie cellulaire des plantes
Published on: 12 Aug 2019

平特五不中 Press Release - 8 August 2019

New study suggests pectin and cellulose involved in molecular mechanism defining plant cell morphology

The discovery of the mechanics and molecular mechanism that dictate cell shape formation in plants by a team of 平特五不中 researchers offers new clues about the fundamental processes governing tissue formation in multicellular organisms.

Plants are made of cells that come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, each of which is closely related and essential to the function of a specific tissue.

Classified as: plant cell morphology
Published on: 12 Aug 2019


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