
Student Stipend Fact Sheet


The instructions in this section are for processing undergraduate and graduate student stipends using Banner Student Aid (BSA)

Why It鈥檚 Important

  • Ensures that the University is compliant with respective taxation, research sponsor and reporting requirements.
  • Ensures that the student is also able to avail of all eligible benefits associated to the type of payment. i.e. T4A for awards versus EI Benefits for Work-for-Pay.

Eligibility Criteria to Pay a Student Stipend

These set of rules apply to undergraduate and graduate students that are potential recipients of a student stipend:

Undergraduate Student Stipends

Graduate Student Stipends

Student Stipend Payment Authorization

In order for student stipends to be processed using the Minerva Award Processing form (APF), professors and the student recipient must first complete and sign the Student Stipend Payment Authorization Form to attest to the nature of payment.

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