

Contributions to the Genetics of Hydatidiform Moles and Fetal Loss

Murdoch S and Slim R*. Revisiting the Pathology of Hydatidiform Moles: New Findings and the Mysteries That Remain. In Physiology of Mother-Fetus relationship, Eds: Lafond J and Vaillancourt C, Publisher: Research Sign Post, 2010

Other Contributions

Bold font indicates ongoing contribution and normal font past contribution.

Contributions to Postgraduate Teaching

  • HGEN650, HGEN671, HGEN617, HGEN697

Contributions to Undergraduate Teaching

  • BIOL568, Topics on the Human Genome
  • BIOL370, Human Genetics Applied
  • INDS101, Basis of Medicine
  • INDS208, Basis of Medicine

Ad hoc Contributions to other Courses

  • MIMM509, Inflammatory Processes

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