
Publications scientifiquesÌý(sélectionnées)

La musique et l'autisme

Sivathasan, S., Philibert-Lignieres, G., & Quintin, E.M. (2021). Individual differences in autistic traits, personality, and emotional responsiveness to music in the general population. Musicae Scientiae. 1-20. .

Stephenson, K. G., South, M., & Quintin, E. M. (2020). Music-evoked emotions. In F. Volkmar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York, NY: Springer.

Quintin, E. M. (2019). Music perception as a biomarker of social reward, cognition, and emotion for people with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 13, 49.

Quintin, E. M., Lense, M., & Tramo, M. (2018). Amusias and Other Disorders Affecting Musicality. In P. J. Rentfrow & D. J. Levitin (Eds.), Foundations in Music Psychology: Theory and Research. (pp. 305-355). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Dahary, H., Palma Fernandes, T., & Quintin, E. M. (2018). Musical appreciation: The impact of musical expertise on musical empathizing and systemizing traits. Musicae Scientiae. EPub, 1-17. doi: 10.1177/1029864918779636

Quintin, E.M. Bhatara, A.K., Poissant, H., Fombonne, E., & Levitin, D. J. (2013). Processing of musical structure in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Child Neuropsychology, 19 (3), 250-275. Epub, 1-28. doi:10.1080/09297049.2011.653540

Bhatara, A. K.*, Quintin, E. M.* (equal contribution*), Fombonne, E., & Levitin, D. J. (2013). Early sensitivity to sound 
and musical preferences and enjoyment in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 23(2), 100-108. doi:10.1037/a0033754

Quintin, E. M., Bhatara, A. K., Poissant, H., Fombonne, E., & Levitin, D. J. (2011). Emotion perception in music in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 9 (41), 1240-1255. doi:10.1007/s10803-010-1146-0

Syndrome du X fragileÌý

Chromik, L. C.*, Quintin, E. M.* (equal contribution*), Lepage, J. F., Hustyi, K. M., Lightbody, A. A., & Reiss, A. L. (2019). The influence of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and attention problems on social functioning in adolescents and young adults with fragile X syndrome. Journal of Attention Disorders, 23(2), 181–188. doi:10.1177/1087054715571739

Quintin, E. M., Booil, J., Hall, S. S., Bruno, J. L., Chromik, L. C., Raman, M. M., Lightbody, A. A., Martin, A., & Reiss, A. L. (2016). The cognitive developmental profile associated with Fragile X syndrome: A longitudinal investigation of cognitive strengths and weaknesses through childhood and adolescence. Development and Psychopathology, 28(4), 1457-69. doi:10.1017/S0954579415001200

Martin, A., Quintin, E. M., Hall, S. S., Reiss, A. L. (2016). The role of executive function in independent living skills in female adolescents and young adults with fragile X syndrome. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,121(5), 448-60. doi:10.1352/1944-7558-121.5.448.

Bruno, J. L., Garrett, A., Quintin, E. M., Mazaika, P. K., & Reiss, A. L. (2014). Aberrant face and gaze habituation in fragile X syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(10), 1099-106. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.13111464.

La créativité

Saggar, M., Quintin, E. M., Kienitz, E., Bott, N. T., Sun, Z., Hong, W. C., Chien, Y. H., Liu, N., Dougherty, R. F., Royalty, A., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A. L (2017). Changes in brain activation associated with spontaneous improvisation and figural creativity after design thinking based training: A longitudinal fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex, 27(7), 3542-52. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhw171

Saggar, M., Quintin, E. M., Kienitz, E., Bott, N. T., Sun, Z., Hong, W. C., Chien, Y. H., Liu, Dougherty, R. F., Royalty, A., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A. L. (2015). Pictionary-based fMRI paradigm to study the neural correlates of spontaneous improvisation and figural creativity. Scientific Reports, 5, 10894, 1-11. doi:10.1038/srep10894.

Bott, N. T., Quintin, E.M., Saggar, M., Kienitz, E., N.T., Royalty, A., Hong, W. C., Liu, N., Chien, Y. H., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A. L. (2014). Creativity training enhances goal-directed attention and information processing. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 13, 120-8. doi:10.1016/j.tsc.2014.03.005


Présentations et conférences (sélectionnées)

Macdonald, D., Luk, G., & Quintin, E.M. (November 2021). A parent-supported, tablet- based reading comprehension intervention application for preschoolers with autism and hyperlexia. American Speech and Hearing Association. Washington, DC, USA.

Dahary, H., Kaedbey, M., Rimmer, C., Sivathasan, S., & Quintin, E. M. (May 2021). Rhythm perception: a preserved musical ability of children with autism spectrum disorder. International Society for Autism Research. Virtual Conference.

Rimmer, C., Philibert-Lignieres, G., Boucher, T. Q., Iarocci, G., & Quintin, E. M. (May 2021). Phonological awareness and visual spatial abilities in school-age children with autism. International Society for Autism Research. Virtual Conference.

Sivathasan, S., Dahary, H., Burack, J. A., & Quintin, E. M. (May 2021). Multimodal and dimensional emotion recognition among children with and without ASD: Examining the impact of ASD symptoms and alexithymia. International Society for Autism Research. Virtual Conference.

Wong, S. T.S., Stanutz, S., Sivathasan, S., Stubbert, E., Burack, J. A., & Quintin, E. M. (May 2021). Long-term melodic memory among children with autism spectrum disorder. International Society for Autism Research. Virtual Conference.

Sivathasan, S., Dahary, H., Burack, J. A., & Quintin, E. M. (April 2021). Re-examining emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum disorder using dimensional perspectives. The Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual Conference.

Kaedbey, M., Dahary, H., Quintin, E.M. (November 2020). Examining the effect of a music-making program on problematic behaviours and student-teacher relationships for children with autism spectrum disorder and typical development. Kids Brain Health Network. Virtual Conference.

Wong. S.T.S., Quintin, E. M. (November 2020). Neural tracking and neuroplasticity of social motor synchronization of children with autism spectrum disorder. Kids Brain Health Network. Virtual Conference.

Macdonald, D., Luk,G., & Quintin, E. M. (May 2020). Phonological awareness and language development in preschoolers with ASD with and without hyperlexia. International Society for Autism Research. Virtual Conference.

Philibert-Lignières, G., Tillmann, B., Bertone, A., & Quintin, E. M. (March 2019). The developmental trajectory of musical working memory in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Cognitive Neuroscience Society. San Francisco, CA, USA.

Rimmer, C., Dahary, H., & Quintin, E. M. (July 2018). Exploring the relationship between rhythm perception, autism spectrum disorder symptomology, and cognitive functioning. International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. Montreal, QC, CAN.

Philibert-Lignieres, G., Tillmann, B., Bertone, A., & Quintin, E. M. (July 2018). The cognitive correlates of musical working memory in adolescents with ASD. International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. Montreal, QC, CAN.

Dahary, H., & Quintin, E. M. (June 2018). Investigating the processing of emotions in music and in faces by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Canadian Psychological Association, International Congress of Applied Psychology. Montreal, QC, CAN.

Sivathasan, S., Philibert-Lignières, G., Quintin, E. M. (June 2018). Individual differences in personality, social responsiveness, and emotional responsivity to music. Canadian Psychological Association, International Congress of Applied Psychology. Montreal, QC, CAN.

Fernandes, T. P., Dahary, H., Sivathasan, S., & Quintin, E. M. (May 2018). Recognition of music-evoked emotions among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: Examining the effect of musical excerpt duration and cognitive skills. International Society for Autism Research. Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Quintin, E. M., Sivathasan, S., & Dahary, H. (May 2018). Examining how varying levels of verbal and visual-spatial skills relate to emotional and cognitive aspects of music perception. International Society for Autism Research. Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Sivathasan, S., Dahary, H., Philibert-Lignieres, G., Fernandes, T.P., & Quintin, E. M. (November 2017). Emotional and cognitive processing of music by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Brain-Child Partners Conference. Toronto, ON, CAN.

Dahary, H., Fernandes, T. P., Dietz, L., & Quintin, E. M. (June 2017). The link between musical empathizing and systemizing traits and types of musical training. Neurosciences and Music. Boston, MA, USA.

Philibert-Lignières, G., Sivathasan, S., Poulton, V., & Quintin, E. M. (June 2017). Self-perceived singing abilities and social traits of autism spectrum disorder in the general population. Neurosciences and Music. Boston, MA, USA.

Fernandes, T. P., Dahary, H., & Quintin, E. M. (June 2017). The relationship between personality and empathizing-systemizing and autism traits in the general population. Canadian Psychological Association. Toronto, ON, CAN.

Quintin, E. M., Donahue, J., & Metcalf, S. (July 2016). Autism symptomatology in the general population and processing of musical emotion and structure. International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition. San Francisco, CA, USA.

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