
Birks Forum 2022 on the World's Religions and Public Policy

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Indigeneity and Christianity in Global Context: Troubled Histories and Unsettled Futures

The Birks Forum 2022 is pleased to announce a webinar series interrogating the history, current challenges, and opportunities at the intersection of Indigenous communities and Christianity. This series will explore specific issues in diverse global contexts: Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, and Australasia.

While there is significant range of issues that affect diverse Indigenous communities in their engagement with Christianity — education, environment, gender, reconciliation, peace-building — each webinar will highlight issues that have emerged as pivotal for the community under discussion. Keynote speakers are Indigenous leaders, scholars, and actors from diverse disciplinary perspectives, both within and beyond the academy.

For more information, and to register for the events in the series, please see

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