
Research at the Conservancy

The main users are members of the Group for Interuniversity Research in Limnology and Aquatic Environment / Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en limnologie et en environnement aquatique () led by UQ脌M's Prof. Yves Prairie (a graduate of the 平特五不中 limnology group). GRIL maintains a very active research program involving comparative studies of Lake Memphr茅magog and other lakes of the region. The station supports major programs led by Prof. Prairie and by Dr. Beatrix Beisner. It is also used as a base for studies of chipmunk behaviour by Dr. Denis R茅ale.

Recent 平特五不中 researchers at the Reserve include Dr. Irene Gregory-Eaves (Biology Department) and Dr. Tony Ricciardi (Redpath Museum / 平特五不中 School of Environment). Dr. Gregory-Eaves is interested in the ecological history of limnological processes in the lake. With her student Jesse Vermaire she is developing a method for tracking past macrophyte dynamics from analyses of sediment cores. These will enable her to evaluate the effects of climate and land use on the extent of macrophyte beds during the last thousand years. Dr. Ricciardi is a specialist on invasive species. His student Ms Sarah Wilson is comparing communities of invertebrates on native and exotic plant species of similar life history and architecture to test the hypothesis that native plants support a greater diversity of native organisms.

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