
MSc and PhD Thesis programs

Research Based Graduate Studies

The Institute of Parasitology offers graduate programs leading to Thesis based MSc and PhD degrees. Major areas of research include the molecular biology, immunology and population biology of parasites and their hosts, and the biochemical pharmacology of antiparasite drugs.

The underlying orientation of our research is to understand parasite biology and the interaction between host and parasite. We aim to apply relevant modern biological techniques to reduce parasite transmission and to improve methods of diagnosis and control.

Each student in the Graduate Program of the Institute of Parasitology works under the supervision of a Principal Investigator. The research background and activities of our staff encompass many disciplines applied to the study of host-parasite interactions, ranging from research involving viruses and cancer cells to studies on protozoa and helminth parasites of man, livestock and other animals. You can find more detailed information on our specific areas of expertise here .

Graduate Program

Emphasis in the graduate program is on laboratory research that ultimately forms the basis of a published Thesis. In addition, all MSc and PhD students are required to complete two graduate-level courses, present yearly Research Seminars and submit and successfully defend a thesis proposal.

Completion of an MSc degree is expected in under two years and a minimum of three years is required for a PhD degree.

Requirements for the MSc program

PARA 606 Parasitology Seminar
PARA 607 Parasitology Research Seminar
PARA 635 Cell Biology and Infection
PARA 655 Host-Parasite Interactions
PARA 687 Thesis Research 1
PARA 688 Thesis Research 2
PARA 689 Thesis Research 3

MSc students should register for PARA 606 in their second semester, one of PARA 687, PARA 688 and PARA 689 in each of their first three semesters and PARA 635 and PARA 655 in their first two semesters as appropriate.聽MSc students should register for PARA 607 in the final semester of their program.

Requirements for the PhD program

PARA 701 PhD Comprehensive Exam
PARA 710 Parasitology Ph.D. Seminar 1
PARA 711 Parasitology Ph.D. Seminar 2
PARA 635 Cell Biology and Infection
PARA 655 Host-Parasite Interactions

PhD students should register for PARA 710 in their second聽semester, PARA 635 and PARA 655 in their first two semesters as appropriate and PARA 711 in the final semester of their program. The Comprehensive Exam must be completed during PhD 3. Students should register for PARA 701 at the beginning of PhD 3. A date should be fixed for submission of the written document and for the oral defence at this time and must occur before the end of PhD 3.

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