
UGME Accreditation Committee

Terms of Reference

(PDF Version)


The UGME Accreditation Committee is mandated to oversee the MDCM Program's compliance with the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS) Standards and Elements. The Committee aids in the successful accreditation of the MDCM Program, and functions as part of the process of continuous quality improvement in the medical school.

Membership List

Position Function Membership Category Process Selection Voting Privileges
Assistant Dean, UGME Accreditation Chair Faculty Ex-Officio Yes
Accreditation and Quality Improvement Officer Secretary Administration Ex-Officio No
Associate Dean, UGME Faculty Ex-Officio No
Director, Office of Accreditation and Education Quality Improvement Administration Ex-Officio Yes
1 Department Chair Selected by Department Chairs Yes
1 Chair, Program Evaluation and Curricular Outcomes (PECO) Subcommittee or delegate Ex-officio Yes
1 Faculty with UGME educational leadership experience Selected by the Nominating Committee Yes
1 Student Representative Selected by Medical Student Society Yes
1 Member-at-Large Selected by the Nominating Committee Yes

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