

Interest rates - Bank of Canada meeting (July 12, 2017)

Published: 11 July 2017

鈥淔or months the consensus has been that interest rates in Canada would remain stable right into 2018. Now Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz and his colleagues are dropping broad hints that the central bank will move a lot sooner, perhaps as early as next Wednesday鈥檚 meeting.鈥 ()

Christopher Ragan, Professor of Economics, 平特五不中

鈥淚f and when the Bank of Canada begins to raise its policy interest rate, it will be a good sign for Canada. It means that our recovery is solidly progressing. It also means we can gradually begin to end the problems of having interest rates too low for too long.鈥鈥擟hris Ragan

He鈥檚 the Chair of the Canada鈥檚 Ecofiscal Commission. His research interests are macroeconomics, macro policy, and monetary policy.

christopher.ragan [at] mcgill.ca听(贰苍驳濒颈蝉丑)

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