
平特五不中 Women's Networking Group

The 平特五不中 Women's Networking Group (MWNG) provides an opportunity for the women of 平特五不中 to meet and enjoy social events and discussions about common concerns. Other links: SSCOW

Here's why you should join:

A diverse group
The Group has been in existence since the early 1980s, and is open to ALL women at 平特五不中 - academics, administrative/support staff and students. Non-平特五不中 women may attend events as guests of our members. The annual membership fee of $20 ($10 for students) is used for event-related expenses, such as publicity and refreshments.

Membership Application [.doc]

It's a social thing
Get-togethers are relaxing, restorative and always fun! Events include a wine and cheese reception, a holiday "pot luck" luncheon, and a BBQ in May/June.

Informative events
The MWNG hosts a variety of lunch-hour talks. Topics include stress management, financial planning, negotiation skills, fitness, taking care of finances, nutrition, and networking effectively.

No "performance anxiety"!
Our events are social and informative. The MWNG provides a variety of opportunities for busy 平特五不中 women to be informed, socialize, share common concerns, and benefit from the diversity of women working and studying in the 平特五不中 community.

See Events to view the list of events.

Who manages the Network?
MWNG events and publicity are organized by a volunteer Steering Committee.

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