
Mission Statement

The mission of the 平特五不中 Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (formerly Chaplaincy) is to provide聽multi鈥恌aith resources and programming for the religious and spiritual well鈥恇eing of students. We serve students across the religious, spiritual and secular spectrum, and we encourage all students to carve out time during their busy university careers for spiritual exploration, religious/spiritual聽community, and inner wellness. We are dedicated to raising religious literacy around both traditional world religions and newer religious movements.

Our multi-faith team of faith volunteers helps connect students with their existing faith communities both on and off campus. We offer support to students of any religious identity or no particular religious identity who wish to find meaning beyond academics and to form healthy life habits that invite spiritual well-being, inner peace, and that equip them to live harmoniously in a pluralistic society. If you are a MacDonald campus student who would like to see an event or service offered near you, please聽morsl [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Mac%20campus%20services) (let us know)!

We are committed to:

  • assisting individuals or groups in achieving spiritual growth and personal maturity within a university environment without proselytizing or coercion;
  • respecting the integrity of different religious traditions and the encouragement of others to do likewise;
  • respecting those without religion;
  • working cooperatively to encourage an ethical approach to common concerns;
  • providing resources for spiritual well-being and overall student wellness;
  • working together with other student services; and
  • promoting interfaith understanding.
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