Departmental Awards


Departmental Awards

The GREAT and WARES Travel Award

  • The GREAT and WARES Travel Awards provide an excellent opportunity for graduate students to receive financial support for attending conferences, scholarly meetings, and other academic events.
  • These awards aim to encourage students to present their research, network with experts in their field, and enhance their academic and professional development.
  • Graduate students who are planning to participate in conferences or similar scholarly activities are encouraged to apply and take advantage of this funding opportunity..
1. To Apply
  • ÌýFill out theÌýPDF iconapplication form. The application form must be completed and signed by the student’s supervisor.
2. Application Deadlines
  • Applications must be submitted for each term by the respective deadlines:
  • August 1stÌýfor conference/scholarly meetings held between September 1st with a conference end date no later than December 31st. Expense report deadline: January 7thÌý(PART 1)
  • December 1stÌýfor conference/scholarly meetings held between January 1st with a conference end date no later than April 30th. Expense report deadline: May 7thÌý(PART 2)
  • April 1stÌýfor conference/scholarly meetings held between May 1st with a conference end date no later than August 31st. Expense report deadline: September 7thÌý(PART 3)
3. Travel Expense Report
4. Submissions
  • All applications and expense reports should be submitted via email to grad.microimm [at] mcgill.ca.


The Graduate Research Day Awards

The department of Microbiology and Immunology organizes an annual Graduate Student Research Day. This is a great opportunity for all graduate students both M.Sc. & Ph.D. to participate and to present their research in an oral and poster presentations. Awards’ amounts for the best presentations and posters range between $200 to $250 each. Notices regarding the deadline to submit abstracts are posted on the departmental website and are circulated by email to all graduate students.

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