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Rock bed thermal energy storage

Professor Jaap Hoffmann of Stellenbosch University

Friday, July 19, 2024, 1:30-3:00 pm

Trottier Building – Room 2110

Abstract:ÌýPacked beds offer an inexpensive and versatile way of storing solar heat for power generation and process heat applications. In large systems, the flow through the packed bed will be three-dimensional, and conventional plug flow methods are inadequate to design and/or evaluate thermal energy storage systems (TES).

At Stellenbosch, research into 3D TES systems has been ongoing for the last decade, using a combination of CFD and experiments. In this seminar, the prediction of pressure drop and heat transfer in TES based on particle Reynolds number, particle orientation and shape parameters, and flow tortuosity is presented.

Bio: Jaap Hoffmann is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering at Stellenbosch University. He did his Ph.D. on performance prediction on natural draft cooling towers under the influence of atmospheric temperature inversions.




Discover seminar with Bob Koch. July 5, 2024, ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Engine, 12-1 pm


To quickly reduce CO2 in the heavy-duty trucking sector, it is proposed to retrofit diesel trucks with hydrogen fueling resulting in a hydrogen diesel dual fuel engine. Steady state experimental results from engine testing to maximize the hydrogen usage while investigating the effect on exhaust emissions and combustion metrics are investigated and promising hydrogen energy replacement rates of up to 85% at one third engine load are achieved. Then, a control methodology of machine learning control which is a combination of model predictive control and machine learning is briefly described. This control is then implemented on the experimental engine using low-cost hardware and allows for transient engine load tracking under the imposed constraints on emissions and maximum pressure rise rates. The outlook for the control methodology, which seems to hold promise for constrained engineering systems, is described as it is also being applied to different applications.


C. R. (Bob) Koch received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada in 1985, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, in 1986 and 1991, respectively. From 1991 to 1992 and from 1994 to 2001 he worked at Daimler-Benz/Daimler-Chrysler in Stuttgart, Germany in powertrain and internal combustion engine control. During 1992 to 1994 he worked for General Motors at the powertrain control center. In 2001, he joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, where he is a Professor.

His research interests include vehicle propulsion systems, controls, machine learning control, sensors for mobile emission measurement and air quality, mechatronics, and control of distributed parameter systems. Prof. Koch is currently an Associate Editor for the Mechatronics Journal (Elsevier) and Control Engineering Practice.


Seminar with Mylene Riva

Not all Canadians can attain socially and materially necessitated levels of domestic energy services to maintain healthy indoor temperatures, meet their needs, and live with dignity—a situation known as energy poverty. Depending on the measure, 6% to 19% of Canadian households face energy poverty with demonstrated health and well-being impacts. This presentation will explore the intersection between energy poverty, housing characteristics, health and well-being generally, and in relation to energy transition programs in the residential sector.


Rhys Williams seminar on Energysheds, Oct. 17, 2023, Faculty Club

In contrast to the unsustainable and increasingly fragile global, fossil-fuelled, and market-based energy system, an energyshed names a geographic area and governance model in which all power consumed is sustainably resourced and supplied within it, and associated wastes returned to it.

In September 2023 Glasgow’s Infrastructure Humanities Centre ran a series of workshops bringing together and building relationships between multiple academic, public, private, and community stakeholders to think through and perform the capacities of the energyshed as an idea capable of convening diverse interests and perspectives, starting not from technical or economic questions, but rather from questions of desire, value, community, and agency.

This talk describes those workshops, how they were framed and how they went, what ideas came out of them, what the change of starting point allowed, and what the potential of the energyshed might be for achieving a just and sustainable future.

McISCE Discvoer seminar with Ramses Snoeckx from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.  Topic is Temperature dependent plasma chemical kinetics of non-thermal plasmas for energy applications.  August 1, 2022 from 11-12. In person Wong 1030, online Zoom ID: 442 961 8295

Flyer for Darin Barney seminar

McISCE Discvoer seminar with Ramses Snoeckx from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.  Topic is Temperature dependent plasma chemical kinetics of non-thermal plasmas for energy applications.  August 1, 2022 from 11-12. In person Wong 1030, online Zoom ID: 442 961 8295

McISCE Discover seminar with Professor G. J. van Rooij from Maastricht University.  Topic is Plasma Technology for a Green Process Industry.  July 11, 2022 from 11-12. In person Wong 1030, online Zoom ID: 442 961 8295

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