
City Team

Members of the City Team with Prof. Jeanne WolfeMembers of the City Team visiting the demostration site
The Local Project Working Group, formed to facilitate the process of participatory site analysis, design, implementation, documentation and systematisation, is integrated by Kampala City Council; Ministry of Agriculture, Animals, Industry and Fisheries; Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications; Makerere University; Kampala Urban Food Security, Agriculture and Livestock Coordinating Committee - KUFSALCC, Kampala District Farmers Association - KADIFA and Environmental Alert.

Kampala City Council

Mr. John Ssebaana Kizito
His Worship the MayorMr. Muwonge Kewaza
Town ClerkMrs. Margaret S. Azuba - Local Project Leader
District Urban Agricultural OfficerMr. Richard Kabuuka
Senior Economist, Planning Unit


Mr. John Muwanga Musisi
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal, Industry and Fisheries.Mr. Santino Dramani
Ministry of Works, Housing and Communication

Makerere University

Dr. Barnabas Nawangwe
Dean of the Faculty of Technology. Makerere University.


Dr. George Nasinyama
Head of the Department of Veterinary Public Health, and
Representing KUFSALCC.Mr. Stephen Muhumuza
Representing KADIFAMs. Maria Kaweesa
Program Officer Food Security and Nutrition. Environmental Alert.
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