
Emerging Leaders Team

We finished recruiting for our 2024/25 team on March 10/2024.

The Emerging Leaders Team provides the opportunity for the students to build their leadership and/or teamwork skills via experiential transformations. Through this program our members will receive training on leadership, facilitation, teamwork and more to potentially expand and enrich their overall academic success. In 2024/25 we are changing up our program and will offer two (2) streams to students which are designed to practically and impactfully build leadership capacities!

STREAM 1: students will focus on becoming facilitators through interactive workshops; they will facilitate the Emerging Leaders Workshops over the 2024/25academic year.

STREAM 2: students will focus on leadership and team-working skills by getting involved in a leadership experience (applicants use their own part-time work, volunteer roles, group projects, MicroExP, etc to explore how they are developing in these roles with more intentionality); they will learn and apply leadership and team-working skills over the 2024/25 academic year.

Applications are not being accepted at this time.

Please note we recruited between February 23 and March 10, 2024 for the 2024/25 team. We recruit twice each academic year in November/December and February/March. This is a great opportunity to get hands on experience with our recruitment process. All successful candidates go through our training program (a chance to meet peers from outside your discipline and enjoy a positive learning environment).

Contact leadership.training [at] mcgill.ca for more information.

Dates for group interviews in 2025: Week of March 10, 2025 (Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday - 5:30 to 7:00 pm -TBC)

Dates for training #1 STREAM 1 in 2025: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday, March 22, 2025, (in person) and Saturday, April 26, 2025 (virtual) - TBC

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