Exam Viewing

Review of Final Examinations – Winter 2024 & Summer 2024

The web form linked below is made available for you to indicate the exam(s) or final assignments you wish to review. We will email your assessments in a timely manner, though students can expect wait times of around five (5) business days after the submission of a request. Please understand that, in addition to the aforementioned wait time, delays in receiving your assessment(s) may vary – it will likely take longer for you to receive your assessment for requests made early on, due to the large volume of requests likely to be received.

Please do not send a follow-up email or additional request for the assessment(s) until after seven (7) business days following your initial request.

Les étudiants et étudiantes auront deux semaines (23 Octobre au 6 Novembre, 2024) pour consulter leurs examens de la session d'hiver 2024 et d'été 2024.

Please note that the SAO updates the list below twice daily, so continue to monitor the website throughout the exam viewing period. If a course is not listed, it is likely we have not yet received the exams from the instructor. Continue to monitor this page throughout the exam viewing period.

Important note: Delays in receiving assessments requested during the Viewing period due to SAO response time will be accommodated for after the close of the period ending on November 5th. You will, in turn, be granted additional time to request a grade review of your assessment.

Request to View Exams Forms

Exams Received (Updated: 1-Nov)

Course Section Title Instructor Comments
LAWG 100D2 001 Contractual Obligations Dedek Ìý
LAWG 100D2 002 Contractual Obligations Farahat Ìý
LAWG 100D2 003 Obligations contractuelles Boulanger-Bonnelly Ìý
LAWG 101D2 002 Ex-Contractual Obligatns/Torts von Schütz Ìý
LAWG 102D2 003 Justice pénale Manikis Students will receive short commentaries on their exam.
LAWG 200 001 Commercial Law Serry Ìý
LAWG 220 001 Property Gupta Ìý
LAWG 316 003 Droit international privé Saumier Ìý
LAWG 415 003 Preuve civile Ferland Ìý
LAWG 426 001 Evidence (Criminal Matters) Klein Students to contact instructor directly for graded material
LAWG 519 001/009 Topic: Space Security Harrington Ìý
LAWG 521 001/001 Student-Initiated Seminar 1 Klein Students to contact instructor directly for graded material
LAWG 531 001/009 Transnational Commercial Law Walsh Ìý
PROC 124 001 Judicial Institutions&Civ Proc Redko Ìý
PRV3 200 001 Adv. Common Law Obligations Ellis Students to contact instructor directly for graded material
PRV4 548 003/010 Admn bien d'autrui et fiducie Cumyn Ìý
PRV5 483 001 Consumer Law Saumier Ìý
PUB2 101D2 003 Droit constitutionnel Poirier Ìý
PUB3 116 002 Foundations Riley Case Students to contact instructor directly for graded material
PUB2 422 001 Criminal Procedure Kennedy Students to contact instructor directly for graded material
-- -- 24-25 Moot Tryout Comments -- Ìý


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