
Graduation Guide

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Comment d茅poser une demande pour obtenir son dipl么me

  1. Consultez les dates limites et la 辫谤辞肠茅诲耻谤别 pour d茅poser votre demande.
  2. Si vous avez l'intention de vous joindre 脿 un barreau apr猫s vos 茅tudes, assurez-vous de conna卯tre leurs dates limites et processus d'admission au moins un an d'avance. Veuillez vous r茅f茅rer 脿 la section du site du CDO sur les barreaux (connexion requise).
  3. Faites votre demande sur (Apply to graduate). Si vous 锚tes actuellement en 茅change, sao.law [at] mcgill.ca (contactez le Secr茅tariat des 茅tudes en droit) directement.
  4. Visitez le site web Graduation and Convocation pour toutes les information dont vous avez besoin concernant la c茅r茅monie de collation des grades, comment vous assurer que votre nom est 茅pel茅 correctement sur votre dipl么me, quand venir chercher votre dipl么me, et plus encore.
  5. Passez en revue votre dossier universitaire afin de vous assurer que vous avez rencontr茅 toutes les exigences de votre programme d'茅tude.

Vous avez la responsabilit茅 d'informer le Secr茅tariat des 茅tudes de votre intention de compl茅ter votre programme et recevoir votre dipl么me.

Afin de conna卯tre les dates limites et la 辫谤辞肠茅诲耻谤别 脿 suivre pour recevoir votre dipl么me, visitez le site de l'Universit茅 平特五不中.

If you are in your final year

Students in their final year are strongly advised to verify that they will have satisfied the degree requirements for graduation by the end of that year. Use the听Program Requirements (degree audit) Form found on the SAO's Forms webpage to assist you.

Students expecting to graduate should complete the following steps in their last term:

  1. Verify that you meet the total credit requirement:
    • 105 credits for the BCL/JD;
    • 120 credits for the BCL/JD with Honours;
    • 123 credits for the BCL/JD with Major
    • 123 credits for the BCL/JD with Minor.
  2. Verify you have met/registered for ALL Required and Complementary courses for your program, INCLUDING the writing requirement.
  3. Verify that your 鈥淓xpect to Graduate鈥 flag is on your record via MINERVA. See 平特五不中's .

Convocation ceremonies

See 平特五不中's Convocations website for convocation schedules, diploma distribution, guests and seating, picking up and returning your regalia, parking and accessibility, and more.

Accreditation & BCL/JD program changes

The Federation of Law Societies of Canada has implemented a process for accreditation of Canadian common law degrees. Students who began their degrees in September听2012 or later听will need to show that their common law degrees (LLB or JD) meet the Federation鈥檚 accreditation requirements if they wish to join a law society in a common law province.

For a full description of your program requirements, see our听Program Requirements form.

Do you still have questions?听sao.law [at] mcgill.ca (Email the Student Affairs Office).听

Admission to the Bar

For complete information on admission to the Bar in Canada and in some US states, visit the Career Development's Office Bar Admissions section (LOG-IN REQUIRED)

The New York Bar

For those who wish to apply to the New York Bar: The NY Bar confirmed with us that they will be accepting eTranscripts. Please complete the Bar Attestation Letters form, directions below, by DATE TBD. The SAO will prepare a Letter of Attestation for you and email the NY Bar the letters, after the graduation list is approved by Faculty Council.

What you must do:

1) Follow all instructions from the New York State Board of Law Examiners.

2)听Complete the Bar Attestation form to allow us to attest to the date for the completion of your degree.**

3) As soon as your 平特五不中 transcript indicates 鈥淒egree Conferred鈥, you must send the updated official transcript to the New York Board (on NSC, indicate The New York State Board of Law Examiners (transcripts [at] nybarexam.org) as the recipient).

**If you have already graduated, you must arrange for official transcripts to be sent directly to NY; the SAO is unable to do this for you.

Below are the steps for requesting the eTranscript from 平特五不中. You can use the following email: transcripts [at] nybarexam.org. Note that in step #12, you can also indicate your BOLE ID.听听

Request an electronic official transcript (see info here: /student-records/transcripts/etranscripts):听

  1. Log into 听

  1. Select the Student Menu听

  1. Select the Student Records Menu听

  1. Select Request Official Transcript听

  1. Select Request Electronic Official Transcript听

  1. Select I agree and click Submit to consent to be transferred to the transcript ordering page of the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), a US-based, non-profit corporation听

  1. On the NSC interface, click on the Order a Transcript link听

  1. When in the Transcript Ordering Center, click on the Order Transcripts (green button) at the bottom of the page听

  1. Enter your Personal Information and click Continue听

  1. Enter your Contact Information and click Continue听

  1. In the Recipient field, select Employer or Other听

  1. Enter the name as: The New York State Board of Law Examiners and click Continue听

  1. Processing details 鈥 select Current Transcript and the reason for ordering your transcript听

  1. Accept the School鈥檚 Terms and Conditions听

  1. Indicate transcripts [at] nybarexam.org as the recipient email address, confirm email and Add to Cart听

  1. Confirm your order and checkout by providing your payment details听

  1. Your eTranscript will be sent to the recipient the same day and in as little as 15 minutes (provided you have no holds on your student account and you didn鈥檛 include any attachments with your order for review)

Official Transcript(s). Submit a final, official transcript directly from every law school attended that includes the dates of attendance for each period of study, the courses taken and passed for each period of study, the grades, the degree awarded, and the date the degree was awarded.

English translation. If the law school transcripts, degree certificate, or any of the other documentation requested above are not in English, you must also furnish English translations of the documents prepared by an official translator.

Ontario Law Society-Lawyer Licensing Process听

Students that have submitted the online registration for LSO, kindly complete the Bar Attestation Letters form on the SAO website so that we may provide attestation letters confirming that the degree requirements of the BCL/JD Program have been met.听

SAO will email the letters Jan鈥媢ary听TBD, 2024. (Deadline to complete the form, Jan鈥媢ary TBD, 2024). 鈥 eTranscripts are accepted, use the following email licensingprocess [at] lso.ca.

Students will need to order an official transcript to be sent directly to LSO as soon as the Degree Granted notation appears on your record.

Information regarding the application process, the Licensing Examinations, study tips, rules, policies and dates to remember is posted on the Law Society's website. You are strongly encouraged to review the information to ensure you are aware of all the requirements. This webcast will touch upon these and other aspects of the Licensing Process however more fulsome information is available at:

If you require further information, please contact Licensing and Accreditation at the Law Society of Ontario by email to:
licensingprocess [at] lso.ca

L'脡cole du Barreau

L'脡cole du Barreau communique directement avec la Facult茅 de droit de 平特五不中 concernant la preuve de听dipl么mation des 茅tudiants et 茅tudiantes de 平特五不中 qui fr茅quenteront听l'脡cole pour la session 脿 venir. C'est donc la Facult茅 de droit qui confirme avec l'脡cole du Barreau que ces personnes ont bel et bien compl茅t茅 le programme d'茅tude.


En janvier 2024 (Date 脿 determiner), la Facult茅 de droit fournira les听attestations pour les听candidat.e.s de 平特五不中听qui confirment que ces personnes ont termin茅 leur programme, r茅ussi tous les examens et satisfait aux autres exigences n茅cessaires 脿 l'obtention du dipl么me.听

L'attestation 茅tant une preuve temporaire, tout.e candidat.e doit fournir 脿 l'脡cole son relev茅 de notes officiel d茅montrant l'obtention de son dipl么me d猫s que ce dernier est disponible.

Pour toute autre information, nous vous conseillons de consulter le .

How to request an attestation letter for LSO, Barreau, or NY Bar exams

To request an attestation letter from the SAO for the LSO, QC and/or NY Bar exam, complete the online request form for Bar Attestation Letters.

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