
Publications (2005)

List of publications for 2005

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Staff Name

Dr. Inteaz Alli
Dr. Ashraf Ismail
Dr. William D. Marshall
Dr. Selim Kermasha
Dr. Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy
Dr. Benjamin K. Simpson
Dr. Frederick R. van de Voort
Dr. Varoujan A. Yaylayan


--Izquierdo, J.F., Alli, I., Gomez, R., Ramaswamy, H.S., Yaylayan, V. 2005. Effects of high pressure and microwave on pronase and alpha-chymotrypsin hydrolysis 尾-lactoglobulin. Food Chemistry, 92: 713-719.

--Khaniki, J.G.R., Alli, I., Noroozi, E., Nabizadeh, R. 2005. Mercury contamination in fish and public health aspects: A review. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 4: 276-281.

--Moosavi-Nasab, M., Alli, I., Ismail, A.A., Ngadi, M.O. 2005. Protein structural changes during preparation and storage of surimi. J. Food Science, 70: C448-C453.


--Mossoba, M.M., Al-Khaldi, S.F., Kirkwood, J., Fry, F.S., Sedman, J. and Ismail, A.A. 2005. Printing Microarrays of Bacteria for Identification by Infrared Microspectroscopy, Vibrational Spectroscopy, 38, pp. 229-237.

--Moosavi-N., M., Alli, I., Ismail, A.A. and Ngadi, M.O. 2005. Protein Structural Changes During Preparation and Storage of Surimi. J. Food Science, 70, pp. C448-C453.

--Cocciardi, R.A., Ismail, A.A. and Sedman, J. 2005. Investigation of the Potential Utility of Single-Bounce Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in the Analysis of Distilled Liquors and Wines. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, pp. 2803-2809.


--Vega, M., Karboune, S., Husson, F. and Kermasha, S. 2005. Optimization of xylenol orange assay for the determination of lipoxygenase activity in organic solvent media. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 82: 817-823.

--Yi, Y., Kermasha, S. and Neufeld, R.J. 2005. Matrix physiochemical properties affect activity of entrapped chlorophyllase. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 80: 1395-1402.

--Karboune, S., Neufeld, R.J. and Kermasha, S. 2005. Immobilization and biocatalysis of chlorophyllase in selected organic solvent systems. J. Biotechnol., 120: 273-283.

--Hall, C.E., Husson, F. and Kermasha, S. 2005. Production of flavour precursors by Penicillium candidum using selected polyunsaturated fatty acids. Flavour Fragrance J., 20: 690-702.

--Vega, M., Karboune, S. and Kermasha, S. 2005. Stability of immobilized soybean lipoxygenase in selected organic solvent media. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 127: 29-42.

--Sabally, K., Karboune, S., Yeboah, F.K. and Kermasha, S. 2005. Lipase-catalyzed esterification of linolenyl alcohol with selected phenolic acids in organic solvent media. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 127: 17-28.

--Karboune, S., Safari, M., Lue, B.-M., Yeboah, F.K. and Kermasha, S. 2005. Lipase-catalyzed biosynthesis of cinnamoylated lipids in a selected organic solvent medium. J. Biotechnol., 119: 281-290.

--Sabally, K., Karboune, S., Yeboah, F.K. and Kermasha, S. 2005. Enzymatic esterification of dihydrocaffeic acid with linoleyl alcohol in organic solvent media. Biocatal. Biotransform., 23: 37-44.

--Lue, B.-M., Karboune, S., Yeboah, F.K. and Kermasha, S. 2005. Lipase-catalyzed esterification of cinnamic acid and oleyl alcohol in organic solvent media. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 80: 462-468.

--Husson, F., Krumov, K.N., Cases, E., Cayot, P., Bisakowski, B., Kermasha, S. and Belin, J.-M. 2005. Influence of medium composition and structure on the biosynthesis of the natural flavour 1-octen-3-ol by Penicillium camemberti. Process Biochem., 40: 1395-1400.


--Janer, C.J., Arigoni, F., Lee, B.H., Pelaez, C. and Requena, T. 2005. Enzymatic ability of Bifidobacterium lactis to hydrolyze milk proteins: Identification and characterization of endopeptidase O. Applied & Environ. Microbiology, 71: 8460-8465.

--Mainville, I., Robert, N., Lee, B.H. and Farnward, E.R. 2005. Polyphasis characterization of the lactic acid bacteria in kefir. Systematic & Applied Microbiology, 29: 59-68.

--Kim, G.B. and Lee, B.H. 2005. Biochemical and molecular insights into bile salt hydrolase in the gastrointestinal microflora 鈥 A review. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 18: 1505-1512.

--Kim, G.B., Brochet, M. and Lee, B.H. 2005. Cloning and characterization of a bile salt hydrolase (bsh) from Bifidobacterium adolescentis. Biotechnol. Letters, 27: 817-822.

--Macouzet, M., Simpson, B. and Lee, B.H. 2005. Expression of a cold-adapted fish trypsin in Pichia pastoris. FEMS Yeast Research, 5: 851-857.

--Atwal, A., Bisakowski, B., Richard, S., Robert, N. and Lee, B. 2005. Cloning and expression of hydroperoxide lyase genes from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and red bell pepper (Capsicum annum) in Pichia pastoris. Process Biochemistry, 40:95-102.


--Yuan, T. and Marshall, W.D. 2005. Catalytic hydrogenation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over palladium/纬-Al2O3 under mild conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 126: 149-157.

--Hamzehzarghani, H., Kushalappa, A.C., Dion, Y., Rioux, S., Comeau, A., Yaylayan, V., Marshall, W.D. and Mather, D.E. 2005. Metabolic profiling and factor analysis to discriminate quantitative resistance in wheat cultivars against fusarium head blight. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 66: 119-133.

--Shin, M., Barrington, S.F., Marshall, W.D. and Kim, J-W. 2005. Effect of surfactant alkyl chain length on soil cadmium desorption using surfactant/ligand systems. Chemosphere, 58: 735-742.

--Shin, M., Barrington, S.F., Marshall, W.D. and Wang, L. 2005. Complexation of a ligand with a surfactant micelle for soil heavy metal desorption. Soil Sediment Contamination, 14: 357-372.


--Zhu, S., Ramaswamy, H. and Le Bail, A., 2005. High-pressure calorimetric evaluation of ice crystal ratio formed by rapid depressurization during pressure-shift freezing of water and pork muscle. Food Research International, 38(2): 193-201.

--Ahmed, J. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Rheology of xanthan gum: effect of concentration, temperature and high-pressure. Journal of Food Science & Technology -Mysore, 42 (4):355-358.

--Zhu, S., Ramaswamy, H., and Le Bail, A., 2005. Ice-crystal formation in gelatin gel during pressure shift versus conventional freezing. Journal of Food Engineering, 66(1): 69-76.

--Ahmed, J. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Effect of temperature on dynamic rheology and color degradation kinetics of date paste. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part C, Food and BioProducts Processing, 83(C3): 198-202.

--Awuah, G.B., Ramaswamy, H.S., Economides, A. and Mallikarjunan, K. 2005. Inactivation of Escherichia coli K-12 and Listeria innocua in milk using radio frequency (RF) heating. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 6(4): 396-402.

--Ahmed, J., Ramaswamy, H.S. and Ngadi, M. 2005. Rheological characteristics of Arabic gum in combination with guar and xanthan gum using response surface methodology: effect of temperature and concentration. International Journal of Food Properties, 8(2): 179-192.

--Sequeira-Munoz, A., Chevalier, D., Simpson, B.K., Le Bail, A. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Effect of pressure-shift freezing versus air-blast freezing of carp (Cyprinus carpio) fillets: A storage study. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 29(5):504-516.

--Ahmed, J., Ramaswamy, H.S. and Hiremath, N. 2005. Effect of high-hydrostatic pressure and temperature on rheological characteristics of mango puree. International Journal Food Science & Technology, 40, 885-895.

--Ahmed, J., Ramaswamy, H.S. and Khan, A.R. 2005. Effect of water activity on glass transition of date paste. Journal of Food Engineering, 66(2):253-258.

--Li, H. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Osmotic dehydration. Stewart Postharvest Review. 1(4): #4.3, 1-9.

--Meng, Y. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Heat transfer coefficients associated with canned particulate/non-Newtonian fluid (CMC) system during end-over-end rotation. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part C, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 83(C3): 229-237.

--Izquierdo, F.J., Alli, I., Gomez, R., Ramaswamy, H.S. and Yaylayan, V. 2005. Effects of high pressure and microwave on pronase and alpha-chymotrypsin hydrolysis of beta-lactoglobulin. Food Chemistry, 92(4): 713-719.

--Maftoonazad, N. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Postharvest shelf-life extension of avocados using methyl cellulose-based coating. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38(6): 617-624.

--Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Osmotic drying. Presentation Fourth Asia Pacific Drying Conference, December 12, Kolkata, India, Workshop Proceedings, Paper #5, pp. 1-11.

--Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Moisture Migration in Dehydrated Foods during Storage. Fourth Asia Pacific Drying Conference, December 13-15, Kolkata, India, Symposium Proceedings, Vol. I, pp. 110-121.

--Ahmed J., Khan, A.R. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Moisture adsorption isotherms for date wafer. Proceedings of the Third Inter-American Drying Conference in Montreal, Canada, August 21-23rd, Paper V-3 pp. 1-11.

--Ramaswamy, H.S. and Li, H. 2005. Microwave osmotic drying. Proceedings of the Third Inter-American Drying Conference in Montreal, Canada, August 21-23rd, Paper I-1, pp. 1-13.

--Li, H. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Study of deviations from diffusion controlled solid penetration in osmotic dehydration of apple slices. Proceedings of the Third Inter-American Drying Conference in Montreal, Canada, August 21-23rd, Paper IV-3, 1-16.


--Macouzet, M., Simpson, B.K. and Lee, B.H. 2005. Expression of a cold adapted fish trypsin in Pichia pastoris. FEMS Yeast Res. 5: 851-857.

--Simpson, B.K. 2005. Enzymes and food myosystems. J. Food Biochem. 29: 441-444.

--Perez, Y., Valdivia, A., Gomez, L., Simpson, B.K. and Villalonga, R. 2005. Glycosidation of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase with end-group aminated dextran. Pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties. Macromol. Biosci. 5: 1220-1225.

--Sequeira-Munoz, A., Chevalier, D., Simpson, B.K., Le Bail, A. and Ramaswamy, H.S. 2005. Effect of pressure-shift freezing versus air-blast freezing of carp (Cyprinus carpio) fillets: a storage study. J. Food Biochem. 29: 504-516.

--Klomklao, S., Benjakul, S., Visessanguan, W., Simpson, B.K. and Kishimura, H. 2005. Partitioning and recovery of proteinase from tuna spleen by aqueous two-phase systems. Proc. Biochem. 40: 3061-3067.


--Al-Alawi, A., van de Voort, F.R. and Sedman, J. 2005. A New FTIR Method for the Determination of Moisture in Edible Oils. Applied Spectroscopy, 59(10): 1295-1299.

--Al-Alawi, A., van de Voort, F.R. and Sedman, J. 2005. A new FTIR method for the analysis of low levels of FFA in refined edible oils. Spectroscopy Letters, 38: 389-403.


--Haffenden, L. and Yaylayan, V. 2005. Mechanism of formation of redox-active hydroxylated benzenes and pyrazine in [13C]-labeled glycine/d-glucose model systems. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53(25): 9742-9746.

--Hamzehzarghania, H., Kushalappa, A.C., Dion, Y., Rioux, S., Comeau, A., Yaylayan, V., Marshall, W.D. and Mather, D.E. 2005. Metabolic profiling and factor analysis to discriminate quantitative resistance in wheat cultivars against fusarium head blight. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 66(4): 119-133.

--Siu, M., Yaylayan, V., Belanger, J. and Pare, J. 2005. Microwave-assisted immobilization of the REDOX indicator 2,6-dichloroindophenol on PEGylated Merrifield resins. Tetrahedron Lett., 46: 5543-5545.

--Achouri, A., Boye, J.I., Yaylayan, V.A., Yeboah, F.K. 2005. Functional Properties of glycated 11S Soy Glycinin. J. Food Sci., 70(4): C269-C274.

--Siu, M., Yaylayan, V., Belanger, J. and Pare, J. 2005. Microwave-assisted immobilization of 尾-cyclodextrin on PEGylated Merrifield resins. Tetrahedron Lett. 46(21): 21, 3737-3739.

--Izquierdo, F.J., Alli, I., G贸mez, R., Ramaswamy, H.S. and Yaylayan, V. 2005. Effects of High Pressure and Microwave on Pronase and a-Chymotrypsin hydrolysis of b-Lactoglobulin. Food Chem., 92(4): 713-719.

--Yaylayan, V., Stadler, R. 2005. Acrylamide Formation in food: A mechanistic perspective. Journal of AOAC Int., 88(1): 268-273.

--Yaylayan, V.A., Haffenden, L., Chu L.F., Wnorowski, A. 2005. Technique of Oxidative Pyrolysis and Postpyrolytic Derivatization for the Total Analysis of Model Systems: Investigation of Control parameters of Maillard Reaction Pathways in 鈥淭he Maillard Reaction: Chemistry at the Interface of Nutrition, Aging, and Disease, edited by John Baynes, Vincent Monnier, Jennifer Ames, and Susan Thorpe, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1043, pp. 41-54.

--Yaylayan, V.A., Perez Locas, C., Wnorowski, A., O鈥橞rien, J. 2005. Mechanistic pathways of formation of acrylamide from different amino acids. In 鈥淐hemistry and Safety of Acrylamide in Food鈥. Friedman, M. and Mottram, D. (Eds). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, volume 561. Springer, pp. 191-203.

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