
Training and Education

Since 2017, our Quality Improvement (QI) program focuses on building capacity in its teaching clinics, university family medicine groups (GMFU), through education and training of its teams members. The main departmental workshops, three in total, involved local clinical QI leaders (physicians, nurses, practice facilitators, administrators and others). The workshops were based on concrete projects brought by each team, while the teaching topics were:

1- Definition of Quality Improvement
2- Model of Improvement
3- PDSA cycles
4- Development of QI project charter
5- Building a measurement plan
6- Change management
7- Patient and other stakeholder engagement
8- Design approach in Quality Improvement

Local workshops have also been developed in each GMFU to support teaching of QI to residents and development of QI projects that are now required by Family Medicine postgraduate program. The Department has also developed online teaching modules to help training residents.



Quality Improvement workshop at St Mary鈥檚 GMFU, October 2018

Workshop on Patient Engagement in QI projects and design approach, Department of Family Medicine, October 2019

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