
Pierre Tousignant

Pierre Tousignant
Contact Information

Consultant, Public Health Dept
1301 Sherbrooke East
Montreal, QC, Canada H2L 1M3

Tel.: 514-528-2400 ext. 3569
Fax: 514-528-2512
Email address: 
pierre.tousignant [at] mcgill.ca
Areas of expertise: 

Decision/health policy analysis and health services research. This implies the application of epidemiologic principles and explicit decision analysis to improve the quality of the information feeding into decisions. Evaluating the impact of the health services reforming the region, on the health and well-being of the population. For example, this implies surveys looking at the impact on patients and their natural care givers and analysis of administrative databases like med-Echo, vital statistics and files at the RAMQ (Regie Regionale d'assurance-maladie du Quebec).

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