Dr. Sheryl Smith-Gilman

Faculty Lecturer
Dr. Sheryl Smith-Gilman
Contact Information
Email address: 
sheryl.smithgilman [at] mcgill.ca

Education Building
3700 rue McTavish
Montréal, Quebec H3A 1Y2

Associate Dean
Department of Integrated Studies in Education (DISE)
Professional activities: 
  • Arts, Languages & Literacy Education
  • Diversity, Identity & Indigenous Topics
  • Teacher Education, Pedagogy & Leadership
Teacher Education, Pedagogy & Leadership
Areas of expertise: 
  • Early childhood pedagogy
  • First Nations early education (teaching & learning)
  • Teacher education/training and professional development
  • Arts-integrated pre-school and elementary education
  • Curriculum and assessment in elementary schools


Sheryl Smith-Gilman’s commitment to D.I.S.E. spans many years. Her efforts are aimed at enhancing the quality of teacher education, focusing on the evolving landscape of contemporary curriculum challenges and diverse teaching approaches and pedagogies. Sheryl has spearheaded various French immersion teacher education initiatives and has been called upon as an expert on a variety of topics regarding early childhood education. Sheryl’s research and consultancy endeavors are centered around mobilizing Indigenous knowledge and cultural approaches in early childhood teaching with a particular emphasis on enriching cultural education through the arts, as well as expanding on cultural identity education in general. Her research focuses on the relationships within these themes and fields across culture and education.
Sheryl Smith-Gilman has served as a pedagogical consultant to the Quebec Ministry préscolaire committees, as an authority on the Reggio Emilia approach in preschool and primary school settings, and as an author of several journal articles and book chapters in her areas of teaching and research.



  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ
  • Master of Arts, Leadership in Education, (M.A.) ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ
  • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ


Selected publications: 
  • Smith-Gilman, S. (2023). ‘Museum mindfulness’ as space, place, and provocation: Supporting global development, community, and identity in early childhood. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 24(si1.3).
  • Jacob, E., Pacmogda, P., Lehrer, J., Smith-Gilman, S., Ritchie, J. et Basile J. (2023). Perspective socio-culturelle des jeux des enfants innus à l’éducation préscolaire. Revue internationale de communication et socialisation.Jacob, E., Lehrer, J., Smith-Gilman, S. Ritchie, J., Paquet, A., Basile, J. and Vassiliou, T., (2022). Collaborating to better understand Indigenous knowledge mobilized in children's games, In K. Hele (dir.), Proceedings of the symposium Engaging Indigenous Communities: Respect, Reciprocity and Reconciliation, Sackville , NB, Canada.
  • Smith-Gilman, S. (2018). The arts, loose parts and conversations. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 19(1), 90-103.
  • Smith-Gilman, S. (2018). Developing a pedagogy of listening: Experiences in an Indigenous preschool. Studies in Social Justice (Special edition: tribute to Jackie Kirk)
  • Smith-Gilman, S. (2016). Culture matters: The arts, the classroom environment and a pedagogy of Etewate’nikonri:sake. A study in a First Nations pre-school. Canadian Review of Art Education, 42(2).


Graduate supervision: 

Not taking new students during the upcoming application period.

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