
Phytoremediation - Mobile Laboratory

Northern Quebec landscape - phytoremediation field research location
Image by Micha毛l Rodrigue-Morin.

The Mobile Laboratory based out of the Universit茅 de Sherbrooke.听It will consist of a laboratory trailer, a four-seater all-terrain vehicle, an eight-passenger vehicle and portable research devices. The听mobile laboratory will allow teams and their equipment to be moved to remote sites, particularly to mining sites in Nord-du-Qu茅bec where research activities on phytoremediation听are frequently being undertaken.

  • Designed for remote locations
  • Features:
    • 2听portable LiCOR photosynthetic systems听
    • ethylene听analyzer
    • leaf-area scanner
    • pH/conductivity听meter
    • portable weather stations and data听loggers

The听Mobile Laboratory is anticipated to be available for the 2021 Summer听season. Project inquiries are welcome.

CONTACT:听info-ecp3 [at] mcgill.ca听for further information regarding the Eastern Canadian Plant Phenotyping Platform (ECP3)听and the Mobile Laboratory.

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