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School of Continuing Studies Exam Requests

Travel arrangements do not constitute a conflict. Students are advised not to make travel plans prior to the release of the Final Exam Schedule.

Exam Conflicts

If you have a legitimate scheduling conflict during final exams, you must submit an听Exam Conflict Form听with supporting documentation at least one month before the start of the final exam period. Late submissions will not be accepted.听

If you have a mid-term exam and you need to reschedule it due to religious observance, a business-related issue or a scheduling conflict, please submit the听Mid Term Conflict Form听along with any supporting documentation to听examrequests.scs [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Mid%20Term%20Conflict%20Form) 听at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the scheduled mid-term exam(s).

Students who miss a mid-term exam(s) due to medical reasons must complete and submit the听Mid Term Conflict Form听with supporting documentation within 2 business days of the date of the missed mid-term exam(s).


Deferrals for exams are granted only under exceptional circumstances. If you were unable to write your exams due to health or any other justifiable reasons, you must:

  • Apply for a deferred exam via Minerva, and then submit your supporting documentation to听examrequests.scs [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Exam%20Deferral) 听no later than 10 working days following the original exam date.
  • If you cannot access Minerva, please contact听Client Services.
  • Please Note听: If your request is approved, exams are scheduled during the next exam period.

Summer Term Deferrals:

For the Summer session, you cannot request an exam deferral in Minerva. You must complete this form:听Exam Deferral Form听and submit it to听examrequests.scs [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Summer%20Term%20Exam%20Deferral) .
If you are approved to defer your exam, you will receive an 鈥淟鈥 on your transcript. If the deferred exam is not written as scheduled, the 鈥淟鈥 grade will be changed to a 鈥淛鈥.听听

Deferrals for English and French Language programs

Requests for exam deferrals for the English and French Language programs cannot be made using Minerva. Instead, you must complete this form:听Request for Final Exam Deferral for English or French Language Programs (form in English)听听and submit it to听Client Services.


For information on exam rereads, please see听Verification and Rereads.

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