

Course Registration for U0 Nursing students

Published: 21 July 2010

Due to an unforeseen timetable conflict, NUR1 223 Development Across the Lifespan (Mondays 08:30 - 11:30) conflicts with MATH 139 and CHEM 110 on Mondays. For those students affected, it is not advisable to register for courses that conflict so alternate possibilities for students implicated in this conflict is to: take an alternate 3 credit elective (U0 students are advised to take a 100 or 200 level course of your interest - many nursing students find courses in Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology and Religion of interest; students who are not fluent in French are encouraged to take French language courses) OR take PSYC 215 Social Psychology OR take PSYC 201 Psychological Statistics. Students who do not need to take MATH 139 or CHEM 110 are urged to take NUR1 223 as initially recommended.

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