
CF mice

F508del-CFTR mice (Cftrtm1Eur) on FVB background from B. Scholte and colleagues, cftr null mice on Balb/c background....

Ussing chamber

18 channels of conventional Ussing chambers with amplifiers and computers for data acquisition and analysis....

High Through-put Electrophysiology

The QPatch 16X patch clamp station (Sophion Bioscience) allows automated, high-throughput assays of whole cell current with real Gigaseals resistance. With a user-friendly experiment execution, the...

High Throughput Screening

The HTS facility is offering several services including HTS assay development, optimization and validation, management of shRNA libraries for genome-scale screening for human or mouse and...


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平特五不中 is situated on the traditional territory of the Kanien鈥檏eh脿:ka, a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst nations. We recognize and respect the Kanien鈥檏eh脿:ka as the traditional custodians of these lands and waters.

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