
Axe 芦Immigration, conditions de vie et religion禄


Jill Hanley

Membre r茅guli猫re


Professeure titulaire, 脡cole de travail social de l'Universit茅 平特五不中

Directrice scientifique,听Institut universitaire SHERPA : immigration, culture, sant茅

Int茅r锚ts de recherche

Politique sociale : politique d'immigration/r茅fugi茅s ; droits du travail ; droits sociaux ; sant茅 ; logement social ; organisation communautaire : interculturelle ; f茅ministe ; quartier ; lutte contre la pauvret茅 ; immigration ; travail ; d茅veloppement communautaire : logement ; d茅veloppement 茅conomique communautaire.


3506, rue University,
Salle 300
Montr茅al (Qu茅bec)
Canada H3A 0G5

jill.hanley [at] mcgill.ca (> Courriel)

> Page institutionnelle

S茅lection de publications

Al Mhamied, A., Bogossian, A., & Hanley, J. (2023). Fathering Here, Fathering There鈥 A Phenomenological Study of the Impact of Forced Migration and Resettlement on Syrian Refugee Fathers in Canada. The Journal of Men鈥檚 Studies, 10608265231181789

Bhuyan, R., Osazuwa, S., Hanley, J. & Schmidt, C. (2023). Unless we are native, we are all immigrants to Canada鈥: How multicultural values and settler-colonial consciousness shape Canadian social workers鈥 views towards immigrants. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Advance online.

Brotman, S., Simard, J., Hanley, J., Raymond, 脡., & Delgado, P. (2023). Les personnes 芒g茅es immigrantes et leurs proches 脿 Montr茅al: des vies oubli茅es durant la pand茅mie. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 42(1), 177-183.

McConnell, S. M., Noble, M., Hanley, J., Finley-Roy, V., & Drolet, J. (2023). Integrating Practice Research into Social Work Field Education in Canada. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 43(1), 1-19.

Schmidt, C., Bergen, H., Hajjar, O., Larios, L., Nakache, D., Bhuyan, R., & Hanley, J. (2023). Navigating bureaucratic violence in Canada鈥檚 two-step immigration system. Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 1-20

Hanley, J., Ives, N., Lenet, J., Walsh, C. A., Hordyk, S.-R., Ben Soltane, S., & Este, D. (2019). Migrant women鈥檚 health and housing insecurity: an intersectional analysis.鈥International Journal of Migration, Health & Social Care:听15(1): 90-106.

Tungohan, E.,听Hanley, J.听(2019). Introduction to the themed section: a question of caring鈥恊thical and policy dilemmas arising from care migration.鈥International Journal of Care and Caring.听3(2): 225-227.

Hanley, J., Al Mhamied, A., Cleveland, J., Hajjar, O., Hassan, G., Ives, N., Khyar, R., Hynie, M. (2018). The Social Networks, Social Support and Social Capital of Syrian Refugees Sponsored to Settle in Montreal: Indications from their early experiences of integration.鈥Canadian Ethnic Studies鈥50(2):鈥123-149.鈥

Hanley, J., Larios, L., Salamanca Cardona, M., Henaway, M., Dwaikat Shaer, N., Ben Soltane, S., Eid, P. (2018). Gender dynamics of temporary placement agency work: (Im)migrants, know your place!听Canadian Diversity

Choudry, A,听Hanley, J, Shragge, E. (2012).听Organize!:听Building from the Local for Global Justice. Oakland, CA: PM Press.

Choudry, A.,听Hanley, J., Jordan, S., Shragge, E., and Stiegman, M. (2009).听Fight Back: Workplace Justice for Immigrants. Blackpoint, NS: Fernwood Press

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