
About the Centre

Our Mandate: Fundamental Legal Research

Founded in 1975 by Professor Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau, the Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau Centre for Private and Comparative Law (formerly the Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law) endeavours to promote the civilian tradition in Canada and develop it through a philosophy of openness to the lessons to be learned from other legal traditions.

The Cr茅peau Centre brings together legal scholars and academics from Quebec and abroad with a view to renewing the theoretical investigations of Quebec鈥檚 fundamental private law institutions.

As a civil law system evolving in an environment otherwise largely grounded in the common law, Quebec鈥檚 private law provides a living model for the fruitful coexistence of two historically distinct legal traditions. The importance of this model in our increasingly interconnected world is underlined by the fundamentally bilingual nature of Quebec鈥檚 civil law.

The ambitious research program of the Cr茅peau Centre comprises many different axes of research, all of which pursue a dialogical understanding of local law set against the world鈥檚 great legal traditions.

From the Treatise of Civil Law to historical and critical editions of the Qu茅bec Civil Code, from legal terminology projects, like the Private Law Dictionaries and Bilingual Lexicons, to transsystemic legal education, the Cr茅peau Centre aims to develop new theoretical understandings of private law.

Following the death in 2011 of Professor Cr茅peau, the Centre was renamed in March 2012 as the Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau Centre for Private and Comparative Law.

See a biography of Professor Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau on the Wainwright Fund website.

A commemorative mosaic of photos of Prof. Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau.

Bronze plaque: 脌 la m茅moire du professeur Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau (1926-2011). A beloved teacher and scholar of the civil law.

We are pleased to announce that a commemorative plaque in honour of the late Professor Emeritus Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau can now be found outside of Old Chancellor Day Hall. La plaque se trouve au pied de l鈥檃rbre qui a 茅t茅 d茅di茅 脿 la m茅moire du Professeur Cr茅peau le printemps dernier, lors d鈥檜ne c茅r茅monie intime tenue par le doyen Leckey avec la famille du d茅funt et des membres du Centre Cr茅peau.

A professor at the Faculty of Law of 平特五不中 for more than 50 years, Professor Cr茅peau was the founder of what is today known as the Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau Centre for Private and Comparative Law. Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau a d茅vou茅 sa vie 脿 l鈥檃vancement du savoir en droit priv茅, et a marqu茅 la soci茅t茅 qu茅b茅coise en pr茅sidant les travaux titanesques de l鈥橭ffice de r茅vision du Code civil du Qu茅bec de 1956 脿 1977, qui a trac茅 la voie du nouveau Code Civil du Qu茅bec, entr茅 en vigueur en 1994.

To learn more about the life of this great figure of Quebec's history, you can read the homage written at the time of his passing by then Dean of Law Daniel Jutras.

The Cr茅peau Centre thanks the听 and the听听for their financial support.


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