
Contact us

CDO staff Icon: letter

Kendra Gray, Director
514-398-6618 / kendra.gray [at] mcgill.ca

Cait Bishop, Associate
514-398-6159 / caitlin.bishop [at] mcgill.ca

Ennaea Currie, Career Advisor
514-398-2823 / ennaea.currie [at] mcgill.ca

Law Link mentorship program
link.law [at] mcgill.ca

Our location and office hours Icon: Clock

Faculty of Law, 平特五不中
New Chancellor Day Hall, Room 416
3644 Peel Street
Montreal, QC H3A 1W9

Heures d鈥檕uverture: de 10h00 脿 16h00, du lundi au vendredi

N鈥檋茅sitez pas 脿 visiter le Centre ou 脿 nous 茅crire pour toute question (apr猫s avoir consult茅 la documentation en ligne).

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