urban planning /urbanplanning/taxonomy/term/144/all en Brenda & Samuel Gewurz Lectures in Urban Design /urbanplanning/channels/event/brenda-samuel-gewurz-lectures-urban-design-256683 <h2>The (in)formal city: the people and places left out</h2> <h3>B.D. Wortham-Galvin (Portland State University)</h3> <p><img scr="/urbanplanning/files/urbanplanning/wortham-galivn.jpg" /></p> Wed, 11 Nov 2015 15:03:39 +0000 sarah.gelbard@mail.mcgill.ca 931 at /urbanplanning LECTURE - Lorena Zárate /urbanplanning/channels/event/lecture-lorena-zarate-255664 <h3>The Right to the City: Habitat III and the New Urban Agenda</h3> <p>Lorena Zárate, President of Habitat International Coalition (HIC)</p> <p><img src="/urbanplanning/files/urbanplanning/zarate_oct6_poster.jpg" /></p> Sat, 26 Sep 2015 12:42:59 +0000 sarah.gelbard@mail.mcgill.ca 915 at /urbanplanning Urban Studies @ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Seminar Series /urbanplanning/channels/event/urban-studies-mcgill-seminar-series-255620 <h3>Informality in India's Urban Water System: A Case Study from Bangalore, India</h3> <p>Presenter: Mona Luxion</p> Thu, 24 Sep 2015 16:02:44 +0000 sarah.gelbard@mail.mcgill.ca 914 at /urbanplanning Urban Studies @ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Seminar Series /urbanplanning/channels/event/urban-studies-mcgill-seminar-series-254901 <h3>MUP2 summer internship presentations</h3> <p>Josh Adams</p> <p>Marie-Ève Assunçao-Denis</p> <p>Eadeh Attarzadeh </p> <p>Ryan Lo</p> <p>Michael O'Neill</p> <p>Lindsay Vanstone</p> <p>Kristín Una Sigurðardóttir</p> Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:48:45 +0000 sarah.gelbard@mail.mcgill.ca 903 at /urbanplanning Urban Studies @ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Seminar Series /urbanplanning/channels/event/urban-studies-mcgill-seminar-series-254900 <h3>A century of sprawl in the United States</h3> <p>Presenter: <span>Christopher Barrington-Leigh</span></p> Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:44:29 +0000 sarah.gelbard@mail.mcgill.ca 902 at /urbanplanning Urban Studies @ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Seminar Series /urbanplanning/channels/event/urban-studies-mcgill-seminar-series-254899 <p>Presenter:</p> <h3>Ron Williams</h3> <p>School of Landscape Architecture, Université de Montréal (retired)</p> Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:42:20 +0000 sarah.gelbard@mail.mcgill.ca 901 at /urbanplanning Urban Studies @ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Seminar Series /urbanplanning/channels/event/urban-studies-mcgill-seminar-series-254896 <h3>"Sex and the City": Why Gender in Urban Planning?</h3> <p>Presenter: <span>Jennifer Robert-Colomby</span></p> <p><a href="http://www.femmesetvilles.org/index.php/en/"><span>Women in Cities International</span></a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:31:24 +0000 sarah.gelbard@mail.mcgill.ca 898 at /urbanplanning How to apply /urbanplanning/how-apply Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:39:40 +0000 nicholas.luka@mcgill.ca 818 at /urbanplanning M.U.P. program admission /urbanplanning/how-apply/mup-program-admission <p>The application deadline for all academic programs offered at the School is the <b>15th of January for the academic year beginning the following Fall.</b> Application material is submitted using <a href="http://www.mcgill.ca/gradapplicants/apply-now">SLATE</a>, ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ’s online application system. You will need a valid credit card to submit the application fee. </p> <p>The program begins in the Fall term, and no admissions are possible for other dates. It is a full-time program.</p> Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:24:01 +0000 nicholas.luka@mcgill.ca 816 at /urbanplanning School of Urban Planning /urbanplanning/school-urban-planning <p>Urban planning is the set of processes by which communities shape their environments to meet their needs and to realize their aspirations for the future. Urban planning is also the profession of those who facilitate this process. Questions of effectiveness, acceptability, access, equity, ‘sustainability’, and spatial justice are central to urban planning, and while the practice of planning is as old as the cities themselves, the profession of urban planning is only about a century old.</p> Mon, 05 Dec 2011 19:20:56 +0000 nicholas.luka@mcgill.ca 6 at /urbanplanning