
Probability and Statistics (Faculty of Arts)


This Honours program provides training in probability and statistics with a solid mathematical core, and basic training in computing. It prepares you for graduate school in probability, statistics, or data science.聽聽

As a聽student in this flexible program, you聽can focus on probability, mathematical statistics, applied statistics, actuarial science and finance, or data science.聽Once you graduate, you can pursue the聽A.Stat聽professional accreditation聽from the Statistical Society of Canada, which is regarded as the entry-level requirement for a Statistician practicing in Canada.聽


This program聽will allow you to gain theoretical and practical knowledge聽in two thriving areas聽that will help you to succeed in a聽variety of careers in industry or government in the statistical sciences.聽聽

You could become a professional:聽

  • 厂迟补迟颈蝉迟颈肠颈补苍听听
  • 础肠迟耻补谤测听听听
  • 惭补迟丑别尘补迟颈肠颈补苍听听听
  • Investment analyst聽聽

Possible minors

Minors are a great way to customize your academic experience. Many students use聽minors to pursue interests outside their major, while others choose minors to complement their degree.

Minors that complement this program:聽

Related majors

Discover these related majors:聽聽

Ready to apply?

For this program, you'll need to apply to the Faculty of Arts.

See the full eligibility information for more information about deadlines and required documents for your application.

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