
Pramod Puligandla

Pramod Puligandla
Contact Information
Email address: 
pramod.puligandla [at] mcgill.ca
General Surgery
Pediatric Surgery
Current research: 

Respiratory Axis Acute Lung Injury Surfactant Metabolism

Areas of interest: 

Alterations in the pulmonary surfactant system have been implicated in the pathophysiology of several pulmonary conditions, including the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, pneumonia, and respiratory failure due to sepsis. The main focus of research in our laboratory is to investigate the role of the pulmonary surfactant system in acute lung injury. The laboratory uses both basic science and clinical research techniques to understant (1) the effects of lung injury on the pulmonary surfactant system and (2) how changes in the pulmonary surfactant system may predispose to the development of lung injury. Other research interest efforts include pediatric surgical outcome studies.

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