COGS 444 Honours Research (6 unités)

Offert par : Arts et sciences (Interfacultaire, B.A. & Sc.)

Vue d'ensemble

Sciences cognitives : Honours research course including research issues in two areas of cognitive science.

Trimestres : Automne 2015, Hiver 2016, Été 2016

Chargés de cours : Aucun professeur n’est associé à ce cours pour l’année universitaire 2015-2016.

  • Prerequisite: Permission of Director of Cognitive Science Programs.

  • Note: To receive approval to register for this course, a student must present a research proposal to the Director of the Cognitive Science Program. The student's proposal must include approval of the research from one advisor from each of the student's two focal departments. The student's focal departments must consist of one Arts department and the one Science department (both must be participating in the BASc option) in which the student will have at the completed least 12 credits, exclusive of required courses at graduation.

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