
April 18, 2017

Faculty of Science
Meeting of Faculty听
Tuesday April 18, 2017
3:00p.m., Leacock Council Room (232)

Research Presentations (3 Minutes)

Professor Vincent van Hinsberg, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Professor Thomas Brunner, Department of Physics

1.听 Adoption of Agenda PDF icon facultyagenda18april2017.pdf

2.听 Minutes of 14 March 2017 (S-16-29) PDF icon facultyofscienceminutes14march2017.pdf

3.听 Business Arising from the Minutes

4.听 Report of Committee - Academic Committee (厂-16-30)听 PDF icon acreporttofacultymtg18april2017.pdf

5.听 Dean's Business - Announcements

6.听 Reports of Director & Associate Deans

a) Director (Advising Services) Nicole Allard
b) Associate Dean (Graduate Education) Laura Nilson
c) Associate Dean (Research) Doina Precup
d) Associate Dean (Academic) Tamara Western

7.听 Reports on Actions of Senate

a) Prof. Peter Gr眉tter:听听听听 Senate Meeting of 15 February, 2017
b) Prof. David Stephens: Senate Meeting of 22 March, 2017

8.听 Members' Question Period

9.听 Other Business

The Academic Committee approved the following on Tuesday, 21 March, 2017:

I.听 New Psychology Course

PSYC 513 PDF icon psyc_513_new.pdf

II.听 Psychology Course Revisions

1)听 Course Consolidation:

PSYC 337 (course to be retained) and PSYC 338 (course to be retired)听 (AC-16-61)

PDF icon psyc_338retire-psyc_337keep_courserevision.pdf

2)听 Changes in Prerequisites:

PSYC 483 (AC-16-62)

PDF icon psyc_483_courserevision-ac-16-62.pdf

PSYC 491D1/D2 (AC-16-63)

PDF icon psyc_491_courserevision-ac-16-63.pdf

III.听 Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences/Physics Program Revisions

-听 Joint Major in Atmospheric Science & Physics (AC-16-65)

PDF icon atocphysicsmajor_-_ac-16-65.pdf

IV.听 Other (For Approval)

1)听 Courses on Dean's Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research List (DMURL) (AC-16-60)

PDF icon dmurl-201703_rev.pdf
2) 听Faculty of Science Proposed Shared Course Evaluation Questions听 (AC-16-57 [Rev])

PDF icon science_course_evaluation_questions_revised_22mar2017.pdf

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