
April 19, 2016


Meeting of Faculty

19 April 2016 at 3:00 p.m.

Leacock Council Room - L232

1.听 Adoption of Agenda

2.听 Leo Yaffe Teaching Award

- Prof. Edith Zorychta, Chair, Leo Yaffe Award and Principal's Prizes Committee

3.听 Minutes of 15 March 2016PDF icon S-15-27

4.听 Business Arising from the Minutes

5.听 Report of Committee

- Academic Committee - Associate Dean (Academic) Tamara Western PDF icon S-15-28

6.听 Dean's Business

(a)听 Announcements

(b)听 Budget

7.听 Reports of Director & Associate Deans

(a) Director (Advising Services) Nicole Allard

(b) Associate Dean (Graduate Education) Laura Nilson

(c) Associate Dean (Research) Doina Precup

(d) Associate Dean (Academic) Tamara Western

8.听 Members' Question Period

9.听 Other Business

Next Meeting:听 Tuesday, 24 May 2016

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