BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240520T013753EDT-9104uv4Dho@ DTSTAMP:20240520T053753Z DESCRIPTION:This session will be hosted virtually – link and password will be provided to those who RSVP\n\nThe purpose of the Social Sciences and Hu manities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant Program is to provide stab le support ranging from $7\,000 to $400\,000 for research excellence and l ong-term research initiatives of two to five years\, for both emerging and established scholars in the social sciences and humanities.\n\nResearcher s who are planning to apply to the October 2024 SSHRC Insight Grants (IG) competition are encouraged to attend this information session\, which will include:\n\n\n A presentation about the SSHRC IG program objectives and ap plication requirements\, as well as ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ institutional support and timel ines\, including tips and tools to tailor your applications for success by Joanna Mastalerek (Senior Grants and Agreements Officer\, OSR) and Preeti Purba-Singh (Grants and Agreements Officer\, OSR)\n Presentations from Dr. Juliet Johnson (Professor\, Department of Political Science)\, a SSHRC me rit review committee member and Dr. Lyudmila Parts (Professor\, Department of Languages\, Literatures\, and Cultures)\, a former external assessor f or the SSHRC IG competition. \n Both presenters will share information abou t the SSHRC IG evaluation and merit system and strategies for preparing a successful proposal.\n\n\nThose who are unable to attend and/or those who prefer to share information or questions prior to the information session are invited to send their inquiries to preeti.purba-singh [at] ( Preeti Purba-Singh) in advance so that they may be covered during the sess ion.\n\nPlease register here by May 2nd\, 2024\n DTSTART:20240509T183000Z DTEND:20240509T200000Z LOCATION:Via Zoom SUMMARY:SSHRC Insight Grants - OSR Outreach Session URL:/research/channels/event/sshrc-insight-grants-osr- outreach-session-356719 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR