student club /redpath/taxonomy/term/118/all en Redpath Museum Society /redpath/gettinginvolved/studentclub <p>The Redpath Museum Society (RMS) is the official University registered student club with SSMU. It is involved with the Redpath Museum in many different ways. Many members of the RMS give informal tours on Sundays,  assist with the planning and coordination of lecture series such as the Freaky Fridays and the Cutting Edge,  and help us with public events such as Nuit blanche, Exposcience, Gem and Mineral Show and Museums Day. The RMS maintains a close link with the Museum's Public Programme and faculty and one of the Executives sits on the Council of the Friends of the Museum. </p> Wed, 19 Jan 2011 20:19:30 +0000 79 at /redpath Getting Involved at the Museum /redpath/gettinginvolved <p></p><div class="image-caption-container rt"><img style="width: 320px; height: 480px; float: right;" class="file-large rt" src="/redpath/files/redpath/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/20221212153259-redpath.jpg?itok=eqHXM4FK" width="320" height="480" alt="" /><div class="image-caption">Museum Entrance, photo Alex Tran</div></div>In addition to visiting the museum's exhibits and attending its public programme's lectures, workshops and special events, you can also help out and support the museum in various ways. <p>Here are other ways to get involved:</p> Wed, 19 Jan 2011 20:18:03 +0000 24 at /redpath