Under review /procurement/taxonomy/term/860/all en Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) - Renovation McIntyre 5th & 6th floor #87 /procurement/article/undergraduate-medical-education-ugme-renovation-mcintyre-6th-floor <p>The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences offers numerous advanced facilities, where students practice intricate surgical procedures and interview mock patients. At the same time, ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ's affiliated teaching hospitals allow students to work within four hospitals, including the ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Health Centre (<a href="https://muhc.ca/">MUHC</a>), one of the most comprehensive university health centres in North America.</p> <h3>Project Description:</h3> <p>Construction of small group rooms equipped with low fidelity simulation equipment, inclu. student study space</p> Fri, 22 Mar 2024 12:59:31 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2139 at /procurement Simulation Center Expansion - 3575 Avenue du Parc /procurement/article/simulation-center-expansion-3575-avenue-du-parc <p>Established in 2006, the Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning is an interprofessional centre of excellence that uses the<strong> </strong>latest medical simulation technologies to enhance the skills of health care professionals. Fully integrated into ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ's medical and health sciences programs, we provide the next generation of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists and more with hands-on training in difficult and potentially dangerous procedures without risk to patients.  </p> Fri, 22 Mar 2024 13:27:36 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2140 at /procurement Strathcona Music, East Wing - Practice Room Refresh #84 /procurement/article/strathcona-music-east-wing-practice-room-refresh <p>In addition to the performing halls, studios, research labs and libraries, the Schulich School of Music is home to:</p> <ul> <li>113 practice rooms</li> <li>13 classrooms</li> <li>10 ensemble rooms</li> </ul> <h3>Project Description and Project Scope:</h3> <ul> <li>New lighting</li> <li>Acoustic treatment in each room</li> <li>Acoustic separation, room to room</li> <li>New sound reduced doors with at least 50% glass</li> </ul> <p>The acoustic upgrades are for isolation in addition reducing higher decibel sound which can damage hearing</p> Tue, 26 Mar 2024 17:18:23 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2144 at /procurement Conversion to Performance Studios - Classroom C-412 – Strathcona Music #86 /procurement/article/conversion-performance-studios-classroom-c-412-strathcona-music <p>A Performance Studio is a space (usually a slightly larger size than a typical office that is just for quiet admin work) that has a layout and equipment suitable for individual or small group one-on-one musical instruction.</p> <p>Normally there also is a need for the studio to be located in an area where sound transmission is either not an issue or that there is added acoustical treatment.</p> Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:15:21 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2145 at /procurement Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - New Academic Morgue /procurement/article/faculty-medicine-and-health-sciences-new-academic-morgue <p>The Lyman Duff Medical Building was built in the 1920's, with a new wing added in the 1960's to provide much-needed additional space for the now-defunct Pathological Institute. Today, the building houses modern labs and facilities for several departments, including the Sheldon Biotechnology Centre located in its Gatehouse.</p> <h3>Project Description:</h3> <p>Construction of a new academic Morgue for ethical and adequate storage of body donors.</p> <h3>Project Scope:</h3> <p>Complete interior floor demolition and renovation (HVAC, mechanical, plumbing, electrical)</p> Thu, 21 Mar 2024 17:41:32 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2137 at /procurement Redpath Hall, Interior Renovation #85 /procurement/article/redpath-hall-interior-renovation <p>Redpath Hall, built in 1893 and designed by Scottish architect Sir Andrew Taylor (1850-1937), was donated by businessman and philanthropist Peter Redpath (1821-1894) and his wife Grace Wood Redpath (1816-1894). The entire Redpath building, with its stately interior, high ceilings, stained glass windows, exposed beams, and sculpted ornaments, was first constructed to serve exclusively as a library for the University and the larger community.</p> Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:50:39 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2146 at /procurement Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Renovation of Anatomy Lab /procurement/article/faculty-medicine-and-health-sciences-renovation-anatomy-lab <p>Built in 1909 following a fire that gutted the Old Medical Building, this building was designed to mirror the main entrance and wings of the Royal Victoria Hospital. Its features include an ornate reading room and a stained-glass window commemorating members of the Medical Faculty who fought or died in World War I.</p> <h3>Project Description:</h3> <p>Renovation of the current Anatomy lab to correct space deficiencies. Accommodate needs with increase in undergrad medical cohort and create Dentistry prosection.</p> Thu, 21 Mar 2024 18:51:15 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2138 at /procurement