McConnell /procurement/taxonomy/term/700/all en McConnell Engineering - Building Envelope Phase 2 /procurement/article/construction/mcconnell-building-envelope-phase-2 <p>The McConnell Engineering Building was donated to 平特五不中 in 1959 by John W.</p> Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:12:40 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2061 at /procurement Montreal Neurological Institute Emergency Power Distribution /procurement/article/montreal-neurological-institute-emergency-power-distribution <p>The Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital<span> </span>(MNI), also known as聽Montreal Neuro聽or聽The Neuro, is a research and medical centre dedicated to聽neuroscience, training and clinical care, located in the city's聽downtown core聽of聽Montreal,聽Quebec, Canada. It is part of the聽平特五不中 Health Centre聽network and it is situated on the southern slope of Mount Royal along the east side of University Street, just north of Pine Avenue.</p> Thu, 08 Feb 2024 17:28:07 +0000 Donya Najjar Lessani 2073 at /procurement